Hehe sounds fun)) Nate giggled. "I am a mind reader." He said, slipping out of the car. He shut his door and put the jacket on, walking over to the park. There weren't too many adults, a few were probably out walking. He stepped onto the chips, and looked over at Tempe, and within a few seconds a horde of maybe seven kids- mostly boys were at their feet, all under 6 but old enough to talk. He looked down at them, everyone was talking over the other. He squatted down without a moment's hesitation and put his hands out. "Shushsuh, one at a time one at a time." One of them stepped forward. "What are you doing here?" He had a little bit of a lisp but it was adorable.
"No way, really?! I'm just an angel." Tempe quipped playfully, wandering after him to the playground happily. She blinked at the amount of children that just suddenly- became at their feet, looking a little stunned. She blinked at all the little critters coming from everywhere, watching Nate as he squatted down. She mirrored him and tilted her head at the little boy, a sweet smile on her face. "We're here to play tag, obviously." She said lightly, glancing at Nate.
Nate smiled up at her, the little boy crossed his arms. B "You kin only play width us, if you pass innittyaton." Nate crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. "What are your terms?" He said suspiciously, playing along with what looked like the leader of the children. B "why are you here?" Nate looked around the faces of the kids. "We hunt monsters. We're basically better ghostbusters." He sound triumphantly. Looks passed between the kids.
Tempe cocked her head with a grin, exchanging a glance with Nate. She looked thrilled with the situation, a playful look in her eyes. She snickered at the look that passed between the kids, crouching lower slightly. "So are we allowed to play or is there more to.. innittyaton?" She asked playfully.
Nate tilted his head at them, as if he was negotiating a trade. The children of course, nodded suspiciously. "If we are now part of your tribe, thennn," he poked the most forward kid, "tag you're it!" And started off running to the playground equipment, and straight up the slide.
Tempe grinned at Nate, sprinting off toward the monkey bars with a perpetual smile when the child got tagged. She grabbed the first bar and climbed to the middle, hoisting her legs up and hanging as kids ran beneath her.
He was crowding away from the kid who'd been tagged with others stretching about the equipment. One of the older kids who'd been tagged jumped up and touched Tempe's back. B "Tag! You're it!" And then they scattered.
Tempe grinned as she got tagged, dropping lightly and sprinting after a kid for a few moments before she turned her attention to the slide. She offered Nate a mischievous grin as she ran, climbing up the jungle gym to the slide easily. She kind of- forgot to stop quick enough and tumbled into him slightly, her hand landing between his shoulder blades. "You're it, loser." She said playfully. ((He tags her back, she tags him again a lil too hard and he gets yeeted off the slide?))
Hehehe)) Nate started off down a runway, attempting to turn and juke her but she got him first, he giggled and took off after her, using his dangerous habits to get her. Back off the side of the set, infront of her. Poking her in the stomach. "Muahahaha! Tag!" He turned on his heel and darked for a set of tiny fake rocks that lead up the stairs over by the slides. is it just me or are you also having a hard time not invisioning him as wearing a pirate getup))
I can see it)) Tempe sprinted away from him as fast as she could, breathless from giggling. She let out a little yelp when he popped out in front of her, trying to dart away when he poked her in the stomach. It was almost instinctively that she stumbled after him, hitting him with a little too much angelic force and sending him rolling into the rocks. She skidded to a stop and kind of stared at him, a hand over her mouth in a "oh shit I hope my mom didn't see that" way.