(Yeah) - Ajax watched Mercy leave, wrinkling his nose slightly at her last words. "I'll try my best." He mumbled under his breath, looking around the room and memorizing anything he could use as a weapon, and any way anyone could get in. The door, of course, but also the window... it was a second floor window, but there was a tree. If someone was desperate enough they could get in that way. Ajax then memorized any escape routes... the same exact things. After that was done he flopped back in the bed with an agonized moan, his whole body shrieking, throbbing pain. It was not fun. Ajax couldn't fall asleep for a while, but when he did, it was very light.
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She had been out for an hour, and came back with multiple pairs of clothes for him, all in his preferred color of black. Except for a light pink clip on bowtie she was so gonna toss on his shirt while he was asleep. She tossed the bowtie on her counter and gently walked to his door. She slipped in silently, laying the clothes out on the end of his bed, tiptoeing her way over. She laid the medical supplies she planned to use on the dresser, then attempting to walk out.
Ajax was in a light enough sleep he woke up when Mercy opened th.e door to the apartment... not even to the room he was in. His first reaction was surprising to him... a jolt of terror that shot through his bones and rattled his brain. Then he mentally cursed himself for being such a wimp, and laid still, listening. When Mercy opened the door he still didn't move, but as she was leaving he sat up silently, a grimace on his face. "You're loud." Ajax grumbled, though there was that good-natured twinkle in his eye... even if it was rather dull
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She gave a light yelp, stumbling around to look at him in the dark. "Holy-" Mercy huffed, snapping the light on and glaring at him. "I apologize, it's not like I came to give you clothes and clean your wounds to save your life or anything, since im just so rude." She said sarcastically, grabbing a shirt for him and tossing it at him.
Ajax stifled a laugh, mostly because the obvious pain on his face showed laughing hurt. "Well thank you for your amazing clothing choices, and I appreciate ... ya know ... living," Ajax replied, peering at Mercy. He could see just fine in the dim light, but his eyes were used to it. He looked surprised when she tossed a shirt at him, and from instinct, he reached up an arm to grab it... and that definitely didn't feel good. Ajax caught the shirt, but it felt like it was ripping the tendons out of his arm one by one.
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She sighed, walking over to him and glaring at him. "Really? Ajax..." Mercy gently took the shirt from him, sitting beside him on the bed and letting him lower his arm. "Hold on." She stood and grabbed the few things on her dresser, looking at his wounds. "You're gonna get actual health care today. And its gonna hurt like hell, so here." She gently shook two pills out of a bottle, handing them to him with a bottle of water. "Take those, theyre painkillers."
Ajax glanced at Mercy before looking at the floor again, not moving. At this point he just wanted to be *home* wherever that was... surely not here. He nodded slightly and took the pills, but inside he felt a little sick. Ajax may be someone who seemed not to care much about pain, but it felt the same to h.I'm as it did to everyone else. Painful. He took a sip of the extremely cold water and ate the two pills, making a face. "I'm going to get a brain freeze," Ajax joked in a dry voice, shaking his head slightly and preparing himself to stay still.
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"Sorry." She shrugged, gently moving around his back. "This is gonna hurt, okay? Don't freak out on me. Bite down on this." She tossed him a clean cloth, touching his back with a feather-light hand. She let out a small breath, pulling the black cloth out of his back wound, cleaning it with alcohol and applying some sort of ointment to it. After, she took a roll of stark white bandage and ran it around his waist at a nice tightness, not too loose, not insanely tight. She rested a hand on his shoulder as she looked the bandage over, concentrating.
Ajax's eyes drifted shut. "I'll be fine." He answered, and did not pick up the cloth. Pain hurt, but he could deal.. with other means of expressing himself. When the first shot of pain came it ripped through his back like he got hit by white-hot lightning, and he clenched his teeth together, his fists tightening as well. After that it was just searing pain... and when the alcohol got poured on the pain just intensified into agonizing pain. -Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow- Ajax thought, taking in quick, short breaths of air that he almost felt like might be his last with how the pain felt. -Stupid... flippin'... Bellatrix... how DEEP to these FLIPPING WOUNDS GO- Ajax thought, altogether ready to get down on his knees and prase the lord when the pain subsided to about as much as a normal peron would be rolling on the floor in tears with.
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"I'm sorry." She whispered, gently rubbing the healthy part of his back in circles, hoping to calm him down. "I'm really sorry." She murmured, listening to his short, ragged breathing. "The painkillers should kick in soon." She said apologetically, staring at the floor.