
She smiled at his joke, seeing that there was a similarity there. She perked up when West said that he was thinking about his brother, "I didn't know you had a brother." She read the look on Riot's face and adds on, "Oh.. I would imagine you two are not on each other's good side."

"You couldn't even imagine. I would love to have a nice younger brother like yours." West let out a short laugh, turning his gaze to the water for a second. "He looked just like me, which is bad for me and how I got almost all my scars." West explained drily, glancing at her. "I'm sure I can tell you the story sometime to explain." He nodded, looking back at Duke who was now coming over.
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She nodded once West was done talking and shakes her head some. "Here's the thing," she says, "Duke seems and acts nice, but he is the complete oposite of that when we are alone. I swear he acts like a little gremlin to me and is so anoying." She knew Duke was close enough to hear her saying this and waited for his reaction. Duke came up and shover Wither playfully, making her fal into the water. "You need to cool down Hot Head," he chuckles as Wither glares up at him, soaking wet. She steps out of the water and shakes the water from her pelt and says to West, "See?"

West chuckled. "Your brother is five hundred time better than mine." He looked at Wither in the water, amused. "Keep on being a good brother, Duke." West teased, flicking his tail and spraying more water at Wither
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She closed her eyes as West flicked water into her face and pinned her ears back. She was annoyed at the two but not overly mad, more like in a fun and playful way. "Feeling better now," Duke chuckled at her once he had nodded at what West told him. Wither kicked a large amount of water up into Duke's face and he looked at her unamused.

(Do you like my new Stable avi? I'm super happy I finally got it!) - West chuckled, kind of limping over to the grass to graze a little as the brother and sister played. He would tell Wither about his brother when the time was right...
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(Yes I love it! Congrats on getting it!) - Once the two had played enough Duke huffed and said, "Alright I'm going to go rest now. I had a long journey getting here." Wither nodded, "Alright. Sleep tight baby brother." Duke chuckled some before walking off to find his own place to rest. Wither trotted over and laid close by to West and rolled in the moss to try and get the water out of her pelt faster. Once she was done she looked up at the roof of the cave and could hear the storm picking up outside.

West sighed and folded his legs, laying down also. It hurt badly when he went down on his shoulder... but he could deal with that. He pricked his ears and listened to the Howling storm outside... which was obviously getting worse. He heard a very loud crack, followed by a loud crash. West winced, hoping that wasn't his favorite tree.
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The wind howled above them and soon the sound of pouring rain came. She flinched hearing a loud crash from outside before returning to normal. The rain poured above them and she glanced around to see that most of the animals in the cave were resting as well. "So how long do you think this will last," she asks West as she turns her head towards him.

He tipped his head, listening. "Most mountain storms usually last a day or two, never more. We should Ben fine." He smiled reassuringly, grazing a little more. "If you are curious about myna brother you can ask you know. It's not really a touchy subject, just a agonizingly sad one." He snorted, half joking... half not.
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