I end up getting my stuff and heading home to get some work done.
next morning im getting ahla ready for a walk, i get her harness, treats , her waterbowl, and ball
I wake up, only to sleep in some more and role out of bed, its his f Rest day and he planned to spend being lazy.
i get in the car an get nahla in the car
I roll out of bed and make some breakfast for me, then get some burbone in a glass.
i get back out "its not that that far" i walk nahla to the bark, walking by your house not realizing
I sit at my table I. My living room and drink the bourbon and same coffee on the side, looking at my phone.
she barks at the bush infront of your house "nahla you dingie, its a bush! use your brain!" i try to pull her away
I look out the window and see you, half waving and looking at nahla.
i keep pulling her "Nahla Kay is a mf bush i wanna go to the park!!!!!!!"