
Dylan Montgomery - Dylan just lay there, unsure of what to do now.

For a good few hours, she walked in the rain, until her leg hurt too much. "Ow!" She winced.

Dylan Montgomery - Dylan had fallen asleep.

She stayed there, all night, with no cell service. She groaned when her leg started to bleed again.

Dylan Montgomery - Dylan was still asleep, dreaming about her.

(Aw, ain't that cute. He dreamin' bout her. X'D) Lilith tried to stand up, but that worsened her bleeding, and she noticed her phone was just about dead.

Dylan Montgomery - Dylan woke up from his dream. He never slept to great. He sat up on his bed and ran a hand over his face.

Lilith managed to send a text to Dylan, but her phone died halfway through her text. 'Hey, morning. I might not show up today, my leg is--'

Dylan Montgomery - Dylan checked his phone and read her message. He immediately jumped up and got in his car, driving over to her house, but found her laying on the curb bleeding, half way there. Dylan jumped out of his truck with a gauze pad from his first aid kit and rushed over to her. "Lil! What the hell were you thinking?!" He yelled at her, more worried than actually angry, pressing the gauze pad to her wound to stop the bleeding.

She was half-unconscious, soaked from rain and sweat, pale as a ghost. She groaned quietly, eyes half-lidded.