
She laughed as West played with a buck like he had earlier. "Yes they are fun," she giggles as he gets a drink, "probably because they are so similar to us. Us horses do just look like large deer with added hair if you think about it." She looked around some as more animals came in and wondered if any other horses would be joining them.

West suddenly sniffed the air and his ears pinned. I'm nit talking about mildly annoyed pinning, I'm saying they pinned flat to his head as when he was either terrified or extremely angry... or protecting himself or someone else. A moment later a tall stallion strutted in. It was a palomino with a white Blaze, and had a look like it most definitely was the best, and every single other animal was under his command. The stallion saw West and Wither, strutting over and staring West in the face. He was as tall as West, just not as thickly built. "Dare say are you the 'trapped stallion' I've heard rumors of?" The tall stallion snickered at West, turning his gaze to Wither. "And look at this beautiful specimen. What are you doing with this rag? Shouldn't you Be up with the big boys, ahem, me?" The stallion asked with a glint in his eye, his voice high pitched and stupid sounding. - West glared at the approaching stallion, and when the stallion insulted him then didn't even give him another glance, West for furious. When the other stallion talked like THAT to Wither WHILE making West seem like a fool... that was the last straw. "Get your nose out of our business and go hang out with another rude animal. Preferably a cougar or a pack of wolves." West snorted, baring his teeth at the slim stallion
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She caught the scent of another horse nearby and perked her ears some to see who it was. She seemed a little disappointed though seeing the stallion as he entered the cave. Her eyes glanced over at West and she could tell that he was not happy about him being here either. Not long after the stallion walked in he spotted Wither and West and strutted over to them Once he started talking Wither had to hold back a laugh at how high pitched his voice was. -Probably just became a stallion not long ago- she thinks -put someone hasn't finished going through the faze of becoming a stallion from a colt it seems.- Her eyes narrowed as the stallion made fun of West before turning his attention to Wither. -Why I oughta- she thinks but stops when West starts to speak. She looked over and saw his teeth were bared, knowing this was a sign that the two might fight. - Wither took a step back some as West continued to stare the other stallion down. Suddenly a familiar scent met her nostrils and she looked towards the entrance. A copper bay roan stallion slowly trotted in, looking very similar to Wither but with less copper color. She recognized the stallion and waited for him to spot her. Once he did he slowly approached but stopped when he saw the two stallions having a stare down. (The stallion that Wither sees is this one

West broke his gaze for a second as he looked at the other other stallion, surprised. As he did so, the young stallion whipped in and took a chunk out of West's shoulder. West whipped back around in fury, grunting in pain. "You have no idea what you just got yourself into, boy." West growled. "Leave now." He commanded, sidling just a little closer to Wither. He could tell she knew this new stallion... and would have been happy to know why. As he started to ignore the 'obviously 1 year old stallion that was actually 3' that stallion aimed a kick to West's side. It was a kick that probably would have broke West's ribs, possibly killing him but West turned just in time it hit his shoulder. He bellowed in pain, not taking any more and decided it was time to show this idiot who the boss was here. Even with a now -not working- shoulder he flew at the slim stallion, smashing him to the ground with a quick body slam then biting his neck. "If you dare come back here again, you will get much worse than this." West snarled, limping backwards to allow the baby space to run. The young stallion darted away, whimpering in pain till he was huddled on the other side of the cave. West breathed a shuddering sigh... peering at his shoulder. Which had now.. gone numb. Bad sign. He tried to move his leg... no go. Well... if this bay roan stallion decided he wanted to fight West... well let's just hope he didn't. He limped heavily over to go stand near Wither, watching this new stallion with wary ears, but not pinned ears.
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She watched as the first stallion took a chunk out of West's shoulder and let out a gasp of shock. She stared at the two as they fought and waited to see who was victorious. After a short fight she watched as the stallion ran to the other side of the cave. Wither then turned her attention to West and inspected his shoulder and winced. It was not a pretty sight and it was a very bad wound. "Wait here," she told both West and the other stallion before cantering off. After a few minutes she returned with herbs which she chewed into a paste and put on West's wound. "It will sting for a while," she tells him, "but it will stop the bleeding and help you heal." The second stallion cleared his throat and Wither looked towards him and gave him a small, but playful, glare. "West," she says to him, "this is my younger brother Duke." "I'm only a few minutes younger than you," Duke said glaring at her. "Still younger," she teased and giggled as Duke gently bonked her with his hoof.

West glanced at Wither's retreating back, then looked at the young stallion beside him. He was probably about Wither's age, and looked the same as her. West put together the puzzle pieces before Wither even got back. As she put the stuff on his shoulder he flinched slightly. "It's not that bad, don't worry about it." He said quietly. He dipped his head slightly to Duke, looking the tiniest bit amused at their play.
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"Anyway, Duke this is West," she says gesturing to him, "he lives around here and has been helping me out as well as me helping him out." Duke nods at West, "Pleasure to meet you and thanks for taking care of my sister. She can be a little dumb at time and not catch things." Wither glared at him and Duke smirked back at her. "What are you gonna do about it," he says teasing her, "it's true is it not Hot Head?" This was a nickname Duke had given Wither when they were younger since she used to have a bad temper and since her full name is Withering Heat. Wither leaped forward and chased Duke around, Duke just barely staying out or her reach.

West raised a skeptical eyebrow (horses cannot do that I know but I needed a good way to describe how Jen felt lol) and watched the two horses run around. He guessed... well he played with the deer so he understood. A little. But rally, hot head? Maybe she was impulsive when she was younger... West had all these thoughts swirling around in his mind. The most nagging, small one was -What about my brother? I hope Wither never has to meet him... she is lucky she has a good brother...- West sighed and walked over to the water to take a drink, staring at his reflection. He looked almost exactly like his brother, but his brother had green eyes instead of dark brown ones.
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Soon Wither caught Duke and knocked him to the ground, Duke letting out a gasp of air as he did so. The two laughed for a moment while catching their breath. She then looked around for West and found him by the water. She trotted over to him and smiled some, "Sorry for him. Duke likes to tease me even though I am older than him." She noticed a different look on West's face and tilted her head some, "Is there something on your mind? You look... I don't know.. Lost in thought."

West looked up. "It's fine, obviously you play with your brother and I play with deer." He joked, but there was still a faraway look in his eye. At her question he sighed. "I'm thinking about my brother.." West mumbled, looking slightly unhappy. No, sad. No, disgusted. West looked slightly disgusted.
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