"Jacob-" Dakota said. She watched tears drip to the ground. Wildfire snorted and looked away. "You have everything you need. A family Jacob. A family that you need to take care of. Take the kids with you then." Dakota said shaking her head. "Here, now you can leave." Dakota said handing him a letter she wrote with a picture of both of them together. Then she walked out to the back of their yard, where her parents were buried.
Jacob walks to his truck and drove to his mom house and once got there she try to ask what happened but he just when to his room and slammed the door shut Jacob sat on the bed and sighed mom got in to the car and drove to Dakota place and walks towards Dakota since she saw her and said "what is going on Jacob come to my place and slams doors "
Dakota sat there crying with her head in her hands. "I don't know. He said he needed a break from me." She cried. "I miss him so much." Dakota said sadly.
Ma sat down and place a hand on her and said "he would never need a break from you but when he is in a hole like this he doesn't know what to do with himself "ma then said " I'll talk to him and try to reason with him "
Ma said " Don't worry honey he would came back just give it time " then said " I better hand this to you it your bills that he is worrying about since he can't get a job cause of his legs "
Ma sighed and walks to her car and drove back then yells through the door and said " Dakota love you and you better go back now be fore this gone to far Jacob don't be like your dad " Jacob sighed and looks away from the door