Aaron Pirla -♡- Aaron set her head against the table. "Hello..." She muttered, voice cracking. "Look, I'm really sorry for whatever I did-" She tried to explain quickly, sitting up and meeting his eye. Aaron looked tired and her eyes were rimmed with red.
Nick Browns - Nick smiled at Aaron, trying to cheer her up. "Aaron, I'm not mad at you." he said. Which was true, he wasn't mad at her.
Aaron Pirla -♡- Aaron made a face, looking away. "... Are you sure?" She asked hesitantly, she closed her eyes and asked the question clawing at her mind. "Are you mad at.... uhm... Adrien...?" She asked him, glancing at the waitress and smiling fakely. "Could I just have a pink lemonade please...?" The waitress nodded and hummed in approval before flouncing off to make it for her.
Nick Browns - Nick shook his head "No, I'm not." Which was also true, he was mostly mad at himself.
Aaron Pirla -♡- Aaron frowned. "Then why...? Why won't you believe me." She muttered, concern etched into her forehead.
Nick Browns - Nick sighed, looking down at his cup of coffee. "Aaron... if he liked me wouldn't he have texted me by now? If he liked me, why would he have played off the kiss like that?" he asked seriously. "Even if he did, actually like me as more than a friend, then what am I supposed to do? He's ignoring his phone, and ignoring you. What are the chances he'll listen to me?"
Aaron Pirla -♡- Aaron stared at him with a blank look. "... Nicholas, he doesnt do the whole confess over phone thing..." She sighed. Aaron took a sip of her drink, closing her eyes for a moment. She opened her eyes, pulling her phone out of her pocket. Only to see a message from: Knock-Off Statue Aaron blinked, scrambling to click on it. Her eyebrows furrowed as she read the message. -Wheres Nick?- Aaron hesitated before texting him back. -... Cafe. With me.- She sent it quickly and closed her phone, looking up at Nicholas, leg bouncing anxiously.
Nick Browns - Nick looked back up at Aaron. "Okay, but still, wouldn't he have asked to see me or something? Or at least said something?" he asked. Nick wasn't letting himself believe Adrien liked him. He had already been let down once, he didn't wanna feel like that again.
Aaron Pirla -♡- ".... you expect me to k ow how or why my brother thinks the way he does?" She sighed, moving her cup aside and placing her forehead back on the table. "I'm so don't with this week." She mumbled tiredly. Aaron didn't move when the table kept pushing against her forehead.
Nick Browns - "I just don't think he likes me like that." Nick said stubbornly, taking a sip of his coffee. It was too bitter for him and he grimaced before reaching for another pouch of sugar. "Me too" Nick agreed, pouring the sugar into his coffee.