Cassidy smiled big "Aww, you're so sweet" she leaned in to kiss him on the lips with her eyes closed. She had a feeling there was something else bothering Sage and she wouldn't pry, not when she was trying to enjoy her night with him before they had to be up early in the morning. Cassidy could see it in his eyes that something was bothering him and she didn't understand why he wouldn't talk to her about it. Maybe Sage was still stuck in his old ways from when he lived on the streets and she understood that. It was just nice being able to talk with him normal and enjoy such a nice night with crickets chirping outside of their home.
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Sage smiled and closed his eyes when he kissed him, kissing her back lightly with a small smile. It wasn't often they got to kiss or do anything more than cuddle, so he always made sure to enjoy it while it lasted. Of course, he loved just cuddling too, but of course a kiss was always welcome. He wasn't sure what the girls love language was, but he was finding more and more that his was physical...maybe because of his past, but soft touches only made him love the girl more, it seemed like. Especially if it was a nice night like this one, it all added up, and he definitely loved it. Having someone to love and be loved by made life a whole lot more bearable, that he knew for certain.
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After their kiss broke, Cassidy scooted closer to Sage until they were pressed together and she put her face against his chest while breathing in his calming scent. She closed her eyes and put one arm around him with her warm hand slipping under his shirt to rest on his back. Slowly Cassidy started to fall asleep with Sage's scent cascading around her and making her feel relaxed as well as comfortable. Her warm body heat helped too.
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Sage was slightly surprised when Cass reached under his shirt...she hadn't done that before. But it was a nice gesture, and her hand was warm. He felt her breathing slow, and smiled softly once she started to fall asleep. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin in her head before closing his eyes and falling asleep himself.
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Morning came and just as the sun was starting to come up and peek a little in the cave, Cassidy started to wake up only to see she was wrapped in Sage's arms. She smiled and tipped her head back to place a kiss on his lips to wake him up "Sage, it's time to get up so we can head out" she said softly. No one wanted to be woken up to a loud voice right in their face. Cassidy reached up to move some of his hair out of his face before reluctantly scooting out of his arms to get up. He was so warm and comfortable that it was almost unbearable for her to actually get up so they could start their day.
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Sage blinked groggily and groaned, but rolled off the mattress and forced himself to get up. "I hate mornings," he grumbled, honestly excited to get going but also not a morning person. He yawned and whacked his face a few times to wake himself up so he could grab the bags . They'd have to get going soon, before the sun got too hot.
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She laughed a little "I know you aren't a morning person. I think it's cute how pouty you get when you have to be up early." Cassidy walked over to her bag to grab it and put it on that way they could head out. "See, I'm a morning person but growing up I had to be" she walked to the mouth of the cave and climbed down into the water to walk out of it and onto the grass. Cassidy looked up at the sun that was slowly starting to rise and she loved the way it painted the sky.
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Sage snorted out a sleepy type of laugh and put his backpack on before slipping out of the cave, following Cass. He was waking up slowly, excited for the adventure ahead of them. He did hope they found someone...maybe be able to help someone.
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Their walk was very long and she had a feeling by the time they came to a different town it was already late afternoon. She missed cars, the luxury of getting somewhere fast instead of having to walk just to scavenge for food. She didn't realize how much she actually took for granted until the apocalypse came and if it ever ended she would never take her luxuries for granted again. Cassidy walked over to a car in the street and she climbed up on the hood to sit and take off one of her shoes to rub her aching foot. They walked for a while and her shoes didn't have any nice padded inserts in them so they were throbbing and aching.
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Sage was used to spending his days walking around, just wandering. He knew Cass wasn't though, and it was obvious her feet were hurting her. He looked over at her and pursued his lips. "Would it help if you walked along as a wolf? We can still talk to eachother if you're in you're wolf form, and I can carry the bag." If it would help he had no issues carrying the bag.
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