You can always nicely mail whoever ends up with her and ask if they'd be willing to sell her back for the price they bought her for. :) Just remember that if they say no, it's a done deal
He made the fire up again and then crawled up on the ledge as well. He wasn't really planning on sleeping even though he knew he should because nightmares would wake him up anyway. He sat down next to Ellie and leaned against the wall in a position he could watch out the cave entrance.
He lay there for a while, watching the cave entrance as Ellie slept. He thought about not waking her up once it was her turn to keep watch, but he had told her he would do it so he sighed and shook her shoulder gently. "Your turn," he whispered. He had stayed up most of the night, but he would get a few hours of sleep if he could manage to actually stay asleep.