
"Right." She muttered, rolling her eyes playfully. "And I bet you can't"
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"Well, there's two ways I can say this.First way, I can scoop you up and toss you in with me.Or, you can simply agree, take the extra stuff off, which you already do for me, even if it's not everyday you still do it, anyways, and get in willingly.Simply as that."

"Hmm....." She pretended to think it over
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"So....a b or c?" He asks, naming the options.

"Fine." She muttered, stripping down to her bra and underwear
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He walked up to her side, pressing a kiss to her cheek as he flipped off the cliff, landing a few seconds later before calling up to her. "Feels great!" Gale lied.It sucked.

Kayla laughed at him, jumping in after him. The cold hit her skin and made her freeze to her bones. "Oh, fuck you!" She teased at Gale
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Gale's dirty minded, forgot to mention that.Like, really dirty minded.Which will make sense.In a moment, that is. "Don't think I'd be mad about that," He teases, chuckling slightly before diving under to get used to the tempature.

Ope) Kayla laughed. "Might take you up on that" She yeased
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(the opprotunity was there so i kinda had to lmao) "You better!" He called, barely managin the words before two others came and held him under the water,Gale figting his way up and turning slowly to stare at the two who did, not moving a muscle.