
bro WHAT?!) Kayla was brainless, unable to think of anything
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(dude,it really isn't that shocking with Gale.suits the dude.) They all shreiked as they scattered, Gale looking up and seeing the sun now blocked by Hugh, who was about to cannonball in.His eyes went wide and he swam away, gettin carried under a wave as Hugh jumped in, bobbing up and lauging with the rest.

Fair enough lol) Kayla sat there.......?
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Gale finsihed laughing, diving under and popping back up, shaking the water from his hair as the water trickled down his chest and back.He looked around and saw the camp, man, IT WAS A SHOCKER NOBODY HAD JOINED THEM.Anyways, Gale got out and laid on the cliff just before the lake, propping his head up on a rock and lounging in the sun for a minute.

Is that a hint? lol) Kayla saw Gale and went to him silently. She ran her hands lightly through his hair. "Time for a haircut, huh?"
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(nah it's a salad :) Gale opened one of his eyes to her, smiling lightly when he saw it was her. "Nah, rather not.Most of them either make you look terrible and you shave it at your house, or they shave you there.Both suck, in my opinion." He says, leaning into her hand slightly.

Ceaser? Best to stab it) Kayla softly hummed in response, it turning into her humming the tune he had when she had stitched him up
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(only after 23 stabs will it be Ceaser ;) After awhile he had dried and started sweating again, along with the rest. "You should get in, it feels great." Gale says, opening his eyes to look at her.

Right, I forgot) Kayla looked at him, playfully appalled. "Me? Ha! You're funny." She muttered, teasing him. "You can't make me."
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"I know, I'm hilarious." His voice rang out, raising his eyebrows when she said he couldn't make her. "Yeah, pretty sure I can."