Andi quickly fell asleep, it has been a long night of events so it felt good to finally be able to rest. She wasn't fully alseep though she was still wanting to watch out for Tyler so she got startled awake at any slight noise. By the fourth time she got startled awake she knew she was in for a long night, she glanced up at Tyler again before closing her eyes attempting to go back to sleep
Tyler quickly fell asleep. He hoped Raven would be okay.. right now he was not really in control of what his body did. He wasn't allowed to move... and he didn't think he could if he tried. Tyler fell into a very deep sleep, all the pain fading away slowly. Sleeping was so peaceful...
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Andi was eventually able to sleep through any noise and by the next time she woke up it was around 9:30. She stood up quietly spotting Raven come trotting out from her cage towards her. She quietly spoke to her trying to not wake Tyler "Good mornng cutie!" She looked around expectedly Raven had made a mess on the floor. Andi sighed going to clean up the mess, she opened the door to go let Raven unorder and do whatever out there. She went into the kitchen washing her hands before walking back out to the door calling Raven in
Tyler woke slowly, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. The first thing he noticed... pain. It came back again, throbbing through his chest, shoulder, and side. He raised his head slowly, glancing around. Tyler felt terrible for Andi having to take care of everything... she really was amazing. He knew she didn't want him to move, but he did sit up on the couch, with considerable amounts of pain.
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Andi picked up Raven who come running up to her and started jumping. She hugged raven closely but not tightly as she walked in closing the cabin door. She glanced over at the couch seeing Tyler sitting up, she sighed but she couldn't stop him from doing that, it just still made her worry because of how much pain he must be in. She shook the worry away saying to him "Good morning Tyler!" She set Raven down letting her prance all over the place. "I have to go get Jasper to the vet this morning, do you need anything before I leave? Or do you want me to being anything back?" She started looking around seeing if anything did need to get done before she left Edited at April 29, 2023 12:28 AM by The Ghost Barn
Tyler tipped his head in the way he always did. "Good morning to you, too. And no, I don't need anything. I hope Jasper will be okay." He answered, smiling slightly at the sight of Raven in Andi's arms. He took in a shallow breath, knowing as stupid as he was, he would get up as soon as Andi left. There were things to be done, and he needed to let Raven out... make food... he just couldn't ignore those things because he was hurt. Slightly.
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Andi grabbed her bat and tazer that she had brought with her last night "I hope so too..." There was a hint of sadness in her voice which she quikcly covered up "Well I'll be back soon hopefully" She opened the cabin door when Raven came running up to her, she bent over giving her one last pat "Make sure your dad doesn't get up while I'm gone, okay girl?" Raven gave a loud bark in reply "Good girl!" She waved a goodbye before walking out the door making her long walk home
Tyler sighed. He wished there was something he could do. Tyler tipped his head slightly. He had a lot of dogs... before... but never had anyone called him a 'dad' to his dogs. It was a very... weird feeling. Tyler glanced at Raven and decided not to get up until he absolutely had to. Raven trotted over to him, hopping up on the couch and curling up with her head in Tyler's lap.
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Andi finally made it to her apartment, she was exhausted from not getting a nice sleep but still was ready to take Jasper to the vet. Jasper automatically tried getting up to come to her whimpering in pain "Jasper stay boy!" He automatically sat back down. She quickly hopped in the shower getting all the blood stains off her and threw some more clothes on. She picked up Jasper then grabbed her bag heading downstairs. She gently put Jasper down in the back seat then hopped in the car herslef driving to the vet. ~ (time skip to when the vet checked him out) The vet walked into the room holding Jaspers x-ray results. "You see the strong white line cutting across here. That's where it got broken, luckily it's not out of place but he will need 8 weeks to be off his paw and healing" The vet firmly said that to Andi who nodded her head listening. A nurse brought Jasper back in, he now had a white cast wrapped around his paw. She quickly picked him up, paid then left the office getting into er car to drive back to Tyler's cabin
Tyler stood when he could, groaning slightly with the pain. The first thing he did was let arcane out. Then Tyler made a little food, eating it quickly. After that he limped over to the couch and wiped it down, cleaning it thouroughly. Tyler stumbled into his room and changed his blood stained ripped and cut clothes for a clean shirt and pants. He heard a car coming down the road, so he called Raven back in. Tyler staggered back over to the couch and plopped down, out of breath.
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