Dakota hands them to Jacob. "I knew you would love them! Although, Zion looks a lot like you." Dakota said smiling. "Should we show them the horses? Caspian and Shadow (Shadow is the other blanket colt) will be their's!" Dakota was so happy. She grinned and walked to the barn with Jacob and the twins.
Athena nickered. She was happy to see her family. Caspian nuzzeled Arden. Arden reached out and touched Caspian's nose. "Looks like they already love horses!" Dakota smiled.
Dakota takes Arden and sets her on Caspian's back. She held her so she didn't fall. Caspian walked around the stall with Arden. Zion watched closely. He reached out to Shadow. He wanted to ride too.
Dakota took Arden off and walked up to the house. Jacob and Zion were coming right behind them. Dakota layed Arden and Zion on the couch and gave them their bottle. When they were done she put their pajama's on and put them in each of their rooms. Dakota sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. "Phew! That was tiring!" Dakota told Jacob. She looked at him and smiled.