
Gale rubbed her back reassurginly, pressing a kiss to her head. (i'll be back at like, 9:30-40 ish k?)

k) Kayla felt more tears roll down her cheeks and she kept quiet
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Gale picked her up and walked over to his cot, setting her down in his lap and just having his arms around her.

Kayla's tears eventually slowed
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He pressed a kiss to her cheek, waiting for her to still.

Kayla eventually stopped crying, just staying there
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He pressed just a whisper of a kiss to her lips pulling back and just holding her.

"I'm sorry.....I don't mean for you to see me seeming so broken..."
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"Hush, you've seen me almost to my breaking point, I wasn't even able to move at that point.You've seen me broken, I've seen you broken, so i'll be here, just as you were for me."

Kayla didn't want to admit how that hit home and made her feel safer, she didn't want to show any more wekness, but her body melted into his touch
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