
He eventually pulled into the woods and spotted a rabbit, grabbing it and ringing its neck before moving to make camp.

Kayla just followed and sat against a tree, thinking
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He cooked it and handed a skewer off to Kayla, eating in silence before proppnig himself against a tree. "Unless you're wanting to do something else then good night, I love you."

Kayla sighed and walked over to him, leaning against him. She'd grown a bit thin from not eating but she only felt a bit tired from it along with the fighting. She ate silently before settling down and falling asleep
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He put his arm over her shoudlers and kissed her cheek, tipping his head back and drifting off.

Kayla felt safe again, his warm arm around her and the sounds of the forest surrounding the small, tmporary camp they'd made. She slept dreamlessly
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He awoke silently, eyeing that Kayla was still asleep and waiting for her to awake.

Kayla woke, suddenyl alert before realizing she was fine and settling down. She sighed, standing up and making sure her daggers were still on her hips. She reached for the bow she had stolen, counting 16 more arrows in the quiver
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Gale watched as she stood, eyes locking on her bow.He stood, walking to her side. "Mind if I shoot a few? Mine got taken a while ago," Gale explained, looking at her.

Kayla just silently handed him the bow and quiver
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