
Gale just nodded, staying silent as they approached a patch of Redwood trees, Varys stopping and sitting at one, Gale kneeling beside the wolf.He reached down and grabbed the dagger off the dirt, it having rusted over well over a year ago.The man reached into his pocket and silently exchanged it for a long,curved knife and dipped his head before standing, a aura of sorrow in the air.

Kayla didn't say anything, just stopped maybe an uncomfortable distance away
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Gale looked at Varys, the wolf looking down and whining. "I know,bud.He didn't deserve to die.You're what's left of him so, stay with me for awhile longer." He said softly, the wolf standing and whining once more before following Gale out of the patch.

Kayla continued to follow a ways away
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"Eventually, we'll forget about this place.But the memory left will forever stay in our minds, both the good and bad.Such as me finding him after returning back to camp, and the bad which is when we tried to kill eachother.Those times we may talk about, the others are foreign to our tounges." He said quietly, watching as Varys howled.


Gale looked the wolf dead in the eyes, scoffing. "We both miss him but, gotta admit, he was a disgrace to the world but, hey, he was funny so it wasn't too bad." He said, chuckling lightly before turning to Kayla. "So...where to?"

"Away from here." She said simply
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"Damn....okay.Guess you and Sage were never on a good note, hm?" He asks, starting to head out.
