Zephyr nodded. He understood that much, at least. "Makes sense." He answered quietly, folding his arms and beginning to start to walk but stopping when she spoke again. At her words he creased his eyebrows just slightly, but his face smoothed by the end. "I do understand. I know you wouldn't use me. It's fine. I promise." He replied firmly, starting towards the door again and holding it open for her before walking to his truck. "I will need to know the address, though. Whatever the rumors say, I'm not physic." He joked.
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Sophia have a smile. "Good. I would just hate for you to think I'm using you to get away from Blake. Although if I was I would say it's working. Sadly he hasn't talked to me but I'm scared that if he does talk to me it's going to be more than I want him to say. " she walked beside him, her shoulder brushing his arm occasionally because of the crowd. She told him the address to her house. "I don't think many people say you are physic" she said with a laugh
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Zephyr tilted his head slightly as he walked. How did he feel about that. Well, her words helped. "If you said no, then it's up to him to figure it out." He commented, not wanting to butt in on her life but not wanting to stay silent either. "Ah, I must've been mistaken then." He chuckled, getting in the truck and waiting for her to do the same before starting to up and glancing at the map to see where the address she had given him was. Zephyr then started towards those coordinates, his sharp eyes focused on the road
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Sophia nodded. "He just doesn't understand that no means no I guess. " she pulled herself into the truck in a few sloppy movement, making sure her entire dress was in before closing the door. "How do you get into this thing without dieing?" She asked as she looked at Zephyr. "My legs aren't long enough " she suppressed the need to chuckle
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Zephyr glanced at her as she spoke, grinning a little. "It's not THAT high up. It doesn't have a raised suspension or anything." He answered, chuckling. "I have long legs, unlike you, so I guess it's easier." Zephyr commented before directing the big black truck to a long side road that she had said her house was on. They soon came to the right number. It was a nice little house, in his opinion. "I believe this is your stop. I'll see you Monday, and good luck. You won't need it, though." He smiled a little, looking at her.
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"Thank you Zephyr. For everything" she carefully stepped out of the truck with a slight wave. "I really will need it though. I'm not prepared. I think I'm going to the school tomorrow to practice." Sophia made her way to her house with a smile. He was really nice. He really didn't have to go out of his way to drive her home because her stupid car wouldn't work.
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"No need to thank me, especially when I have no clue what I did." Zephyr smiled a little before shaking his head. "You'll be GREAT. There is no try, there is just do or do not. Believe in yourself and the world will Believe in you." He said with a joking wink, then drove away as she got to her door. Zephyr went to a gas station first before going home. He answered some vague questions from his parents before going to his room and changing quickly.
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Sophia smiled. She didn't know what was happening but butterflies were taking flight in her stomach once more. She told her parents all about it but managed to leave out most of hers and Zephyrs conversations. She was going to keep that part to herself for the time being.
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The next morning Zephyr slept in till 11. The events of the past week had exhausted him, and he was thankful to sleep in. After he did wake up he laid in bed for another hour before clambering out just to eat lunch. After that it was get dressed and off into the woods he went, cramming a fourwheeling trip, a nice long hike, and some fishing all into one day. He came home, ate a late supper *cough cough 9 pm* and went straight to bed knowing he'd have to get up early. The next next morning, the Dawn of the Monday, Zeph crawled out of bed, early again, and got dressed quickly. He drove his truck into school without eating breakfast, not feeling very hungry. Parking and going inside to his locker, he felt quite a bit of him wanting to see Sophia and even more of him excited for her game.
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Sophia woke up at her normal time because her parents were intent on getting her out and about at 7 am. She groaned and suffered through a movie. She managed to stay awake until 12 before eating lunch and taking a long nap on the couch. Three hours later she was up and about, going shopping for a little bit before heading home, showering and going to bed early.
Monday morning rolled around and Sophia woke up happily. She ate breakfast then jumped into her moms car. She had used it the day before because hers was still not working. She parked, walked into the school and stopped at her locker. She glanced around and saw Zephyr just as some random guy came to her side. "You looked really pretty at prom Saturday. Will you go out with me?" The guy leaned against the locker beside her. "Umm no. Sorry" she picked up her bag and hurried over to Zephyr. "Ok. I think I should've just worn sweatpants and sneakers to prom because a guy just tried to ask me out"
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