
She watches him trot off and lifts her head, a bit of grass hanging out of her mouth. Wither smiles some seeing West rolling around in the grass. It wasn't that it ammused her of his actions it was more that he seemed happy about feeling better. She lets out a happy sigh and goes back to grazing.

Jen shook his mane, sighing and continued grazing (can't think of what to write lol)
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(Lol) As time went on the sun began to make Wither's pelt, mane, and tail hotter. She tossed her head to move her mane, getting the hot black hair to a different spot. -It's rather hot today- she thinks -or the sun is just very bright.-

West twitched his almost black coat. He was BAKING in the sunlight, so he moved to the shade and swatted flies out of his coat. When it even got too hot in the shade, the stallion heaved a sigh and trotted to the water, submerging himself up to his neck. He let out a soft sigh of releif
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She moved over to the water after a while to get a drink. As she was finishing getting her drink, Wither watched as West trotted into the water and giggled. "You feeling ok almighty stallion," she asks and giggles once more. She figured that he must be feeling pretty hot especially since he had such a dark covered coat.

"No. I'm baking!" He wheezed. If there wasn't the telltale twinkle in his eye... Wither should have been worried but he was obviously joking to some extent. He rolled around in the water till every single part of him was wet, wished for a breeze, and went to stand back in the shade.
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She giggled some more and watched him roll around in the cool water. She then got another drink before joining him in the shade. Wither continued to graze and perked up after a moment, hearing the faint sound of wind above them. -Hopefully that wind blows down in here- she thinks -a breeze would be nice. I don't think I have ever felt this hot since I left the desert.-

"I have an idea. Why don't We go to the cave with the tree? There's water, soft moss to lay on, not a lot of sun reaches it, doesn't that sound perfect?" West grinned, getting up and trotting away. He looked at the gap between where they were and the flower field. The cave was.. on the other side of flower field. "The gap has been shrinking rapidly." He muttered, taking a cantering start and squeezing through. "Good night... I haven't been eating that much!" He grunted, continuing to canter across the field till he disappeared behind some vines and into the giant cavern
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She nodded in agreement and says, "It should also be cooler since it is underground." She then trots after him, slowing some to let West squeeze through the gap before following behind him. She squeezed through a little more easily than the stallion but still struggled some. She then galloped after him and lowered her head some, slowing to a canter then a trot as well, and went through the vines. The area still amazed her as they went towards the hidden tree.

West sauntered towards the lake in the middle that watered the giant tree, taking a drink. He then laid down in a nice patch of soft grass and sighed happily. "Perfect place." West said, a contented smile on his face. The birds twittered and tweeted above them, flying low and high and all around
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