
He was shackled and brought in, almost as mad as he was when he was first tortured before he took Kayla.They shoved Gale into the cell and it shut with a clang, him walking up to the bars and frosting his gaze, staring into the guards eyes. "I'm going to tear you apart the second i'm out of here, tendon by tendon." He threatened, the guard looking disturbed. "Ha!I'm just kidding......maybe." Gale warned, turning and sitting against the wall, not tapping out a beat per usual, but instead getting lost in thought, Kayla had left him....and he had no idea why.

Kayla recognized Gale's voice but didn't speak. Instead, she began humming the same tune he had when she had stitched him up
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Gale barely heard the humming, coming to attention as his head perked up, him scoffing as he rememberd only Kayla knew the tune. "Great.Now both me and a bitch are here, fun." He mumbled, now just mad at her. "Hey, thanks for leaving me.Did me a real big favor..." Gale snapped, the guard letting out a chuckle.

"Who are you calling a bitch?" Kayla snapped. "You have no clue what happened, do you? No, you don't because I was taken. Fucking taken again!"
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"Damn, woke up and saw no trace of anything so...gotta congratulate you on that." Gale muttered, just rolling his eyes as a guard opened his door.He raised his eyebrows at the guard and dashed forward, quckly snapping his neck and the guard falling with a THUD.

"Wow, so immpressive." Kayla said sarcastically. "You're not a fucking broodmare pawn for the kingdoms." She muttered
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"What?" He asked, looking down at the dead guard and shrugging. "Hey I mean, I don't even think when I do it anymore.It's a instinct.See somebody and my first thought is kill them.Simple, really.Who knows how many have died because of me.probably in the two hundreds but, those are only the ones i've killed.Not the ones they've killed." Gale explained, walking down the corridor.

"Well you haven't killed me." She muttered. "Yet."
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"Oh how I love and loath that word, I love it because yet can make such a diffrence.Such as 'i'm not dead,yet.' or 'you haven't killed me,yet.'.But I loath it because of....well....you know what I mean.The crowd all cheering as you crack open your enemies skull just for them to say 'you can't kill me,yet.' or 'i'm not going to kill you,yet.' They simply give you hope and doubt, and all times do they turn on you in the end.Atleast, based on my experience they do." He explained, starting to work himself up as he stopped infront of her cell. "Speaking of, i'm not going to free you..." The silence was overwhelming. "yet."

"Figured that." She said, walking to a corner and sitting down. "Just leave me here for all I care. Go crack open skulls or something." She muttered, not looking at him
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