Trixie let his hand slip gently from her grasp, shifting uncomfortably as the conversation carried on. "Alright." She nodded faintly, frowning. "I didn't mean to make it awkward or anything like that. But, think of it this way. Soon enough, we could be partners in shoots. If you wanted to." She said softly, offering him a faint smile.
"Maybe. If I want to." Matt said, giving her a light smile as he straightened his posture up. He watched as the waiter walked over, giving them both a rather oversized smile as he asked for their orders. Matt ordered, waited for Trixie and then turned to her as the server had wandered away, sighing slowly. "You didn;t make it awkward dont worry. If anything I'd say I did." He said, his tone holding that of some despair. His gaze flitted from the table to the outside, following a couple of runners as they ran, albeit rather quickly, past the window, distractijg him momentarily.
Trixie offered Matt a faint smile in return, sitting a little taller in her seat. She blinked in surprise as the waiter seemed to pop out of nowhere, turning her gaze to him to order quickly. She turned back to Matt as the waited meandered away, biting her lip faintly as he spoke. "It's fine. No harm done, anyway. Why don't we talk about something else?" She suggested, her tone half-teasing. "Like, would you ever be interested in getting a pet?" She asked nonchalantly.