
"And there's my prince charming." She said, taking his hand and kissing him
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Gale just rolled his eyes playfully and kissed her back, pulling away and starting back to.....somewhere.

Kayla kept walking for miles, occasionally running her eyes over him and pecking his cheek, unable to fully believe he was hers. And hers only.
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(lmao this is so funny bc shes over here like 'yay, my mans is all mine' and gale is like 'oh look, a tree,ooh and another tree, and ano- XD) Gale kept walking, eyes on the lookout for Varys, also known as the last fragment of Sage for the wolf was Sage's before it was Gale's.

lmao it's so true tho) Kayla followed
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Gale eventually gave up, head snapping to the side when he heard a twig snap, mind racing as he saw the familiar eyes, his face lighting up. "Varys?" Gale called out, the wolf trotting out and jumping up on him. "Hey bud, maybe next time don't go missing?You're the last fragment of him I have left, I don't want to lose you too."

Kayla dropped his hand and laughed as the wolfs large body nearly covered Gale
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Gale held the wolf close to him, eventually yelping slightly as one of the wolf's claws slid into his stitches, Varys hopping out of his arms and looking up at him, panting and wagging his tail. "Never realized how much you're like how he was, bud.Never realized...." He trailed off, smiling once more at the wolf and taking Kayla's hand again, squeezing it once before continuing on.

Kayla smiled a small smile when he squeezed her hand
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"So....where are we going?Should we pop in at some random camp or....?" He asked, looking at her.