Mate looked over at her, glaring with a smile. "For now." He said teasingly, trying to evade the question. He would ..tell her at some point, he just wasn't sure he wanted to right now. "I have so much practice you have no idea." (*inhale* TIS TIME.) He pulled into a motel lot and parked the car up by the front of the main entrance. "Hang on let me get a room." And he slipped out, into the front door. Gone for all of two minutes and back out. "103." He dangled a new key, putting it in his new jacket pocket.
Tempe gave a light shrug at his answer, leaning back to a neutral seat. "Alright then." She shrugged, tilting her head at his last statement. (Eheheh) She watched him as he slipped out, saying nothing otherwise. She hopped out when he came back over, offering him the same bright smile She always did when she saw him. "Lead the way, Sir Kickass." She smiled.
He rolled his eyes at her nickname, going to the trunk that had a bag of his things in it. He walked shut and locked it, and then glanced around. "This way I believe." He gestured in some vague direction. Pretty soon they were walking into a pretty nice looking room, two beds, semi-taken care of walls, table with two chairs between the bathroom door and the front door that were on the same wall. "Fancy." He walked over and put his bag down. (time to start going shorter posts)
Mk)) Tempe watched him and followed intently. She glanced around as they found their way into the room, flopping on the first bed and giving about the biggest stretch she could muster. Her wings also popped back into play and she stretched them, curling up a little after her stretch. "I'm tired." She huffed, watching him from her spread eagled pose.
He walked into the bathroom and looked around for a minute. He walked back out and looked over at her. "Me too." He turned to his back and slipped out a bottle of what looked like whiskey and took a swig. Assuming she'd be fine with it cuz he hadn't all day.
"Then can we go to sleep?" Tempe asked, giving a yawn and tilting her head with a slight frown as he emerged from the bathroom with a bottle of whiskey. Her teeth worried at her lower lip for a moment and her tone changed slightly when she spoke. "How much of that are you planning on drinking, Nate?" She asked quietly.
Bag is not in bathroom)) "Depends," he said lightly, taking another- smaller drink. He put the cap back on and turned, frowning. "Oh come on Tempe I've been good, I haven't had any today and barley any yesterday." He said in an annoyed tone, putting the bottle down.
Shhh I knew that My braint totally didnt skip the part where he grabbed it from his bag Ahaaaaaa yeah I- sh- just- that didnt happen)) Tempe raised her eyebrows, unimpressed with his answer. "On what?" She scoffed, sitting up. Her wings gave a faint flutter fueled by some emotion or another. She sent him a slight glare. "Good would be drinking nothing at all." She huffed, frowning. "The fact that you're drinking it straight from the bottle is a problem in and of itself." She added huffily.
I totally believe you)) He glared at her, a slightly smile. "I don't know." He turned around complete and took a step forward, crossing his arms. "Non-alcoholics who are good people drink sometimes and straight from the botfle." He was using a little bit more of an attitude driven tone.
As you should)) Tempe narrowed her eyes at the tone, standing in turn because of the slightly confrontational body language. "Mhm. And alcoholics who are good people can turn into bad people because they drink straight from the bottle." She said flatly, mirroring the attitude and walking over to the bottle. "I don't want you to drink much more tonight." She said, frowning at the amber liquid in thought.