He grunted in agreement and continued to stare at the ceiling. The meat wasn't even close to being done, but he wanted it to be done because a, food is great and b, he wanted to go do something.
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Ellie huffs softly she stood up grabbing her staff she walked out of the cave and went to lay in the grass. She lowered her body into the grass, she looked up at the sky the sun warming her body she watched the clouds drift by.
Sage kept one eye on the meat and slid down next to Ellie. He watched the clouds some, but also made sure to watch the fire and the meat.
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She cuddled up to him as they looked up at the sky. she smiled softly.
He was content to just lay there for a while. Since she was cuddling up to him, something prompted him to put his arm around Ellie's shoulders.
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She blushed a bit and looks at him she smiled and laid there with him.
After a while he knew the meat was done, so he rolled over and stood up. "I'll be back in a second." He didn't really want to get up, but food was ready and there was no way he was wasting food when he was half starved to begin with.
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She nods slightly and looked back at the sky she stretched whining softly as she did putting her arms above her head as she did so. She sighs softly.
He walked over to the fire and switched cooked meat with uncooked meat. "Hey, do you want to eat now or later? I don't really care," he called over to Ellie.
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"now please" she called back she sat up waiting for him to come back placing her hand on her staff just incase because she was alone now.