
The young woman flashed him a grin, pleased to start a conversation. She had never actually spoken to him before, despite seeing him around. He had some strange mannerisms, but she didn’t mind. She usually got along with the outgoing types, but this guy was different—quiet and reserved, like many of the students who preferred books over friends. When he gave his name, she smiled brightly. “Morgan,” she said cheerfully. Their chat didn’t last long, but it was pleasant. Soon, they parted ways with a quick wave, and Morgan drove home, where her siblings were already bickering, and her parents were preparing dinner. The familiar sounds of her cozy house warmed her as she stepped inside. The tree, adorned with Christmas lights, stood in the corner, filling the room with holiday cheer. She smiled, feeling safe and loved in this space. After changing and showering, Morgan joined her family for a relaxed dinner, savoring the warmth of their togetherness. The evening passed peacefully, and she eventually settled into her room, where her cat Twiggy lay curled on her pillow. She let herself unwind and drift off to sleep. The next morning, Morgan followed her usual routine—getting dressed, doing her makeup, and picking out warm clothes for the chilly day ahead. At school, she met up with a few friends, and their plans for a night out lingered on her mind. As the day went on, she found herself thinking about Caleb again, the boy she’d spoken to the day before. She caught sight of him in class and couldn’t help but smile back when he flashed her a small grin. The class dragged on, and when the bell finally rang, Morgan found herself walking alongside Caleb toward the parking lot. She hesitated for a moment, then decided to speak up. “Hey,” she started, pulling out the practice paper they’d been given. “I heard you never miss a mark on these things,” she said, gesturing to the paper. “I was wondering if you’d come over and go through it with me—if you don’t have anything better to do, that is.”
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(Sorry it's rushed. Celebrating X-Mas rn) Caleb wasn't expecting her to ask for his help, but he welcomed it. "Sure. I'll follow you after school." He said, smiling. He didn't question her knowings because he'd already heard them in her mind. He smirked and finished his practice paper easily, turned it in, and sat down once more. He waited for the bell to ring a few minutes later, then jumped up and grabbed his bag. He waited for Morgan and followed her out to the cars and got into his car. He waited for her to pull in front of him and when she did, he followed her the short drive to her house
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The young woman couldn’t help but grin when Caleb agreed to help her. She wasn’t entirely sure why she felt drawn to him, but there was something about him that piqued her curiosity. The way he spoke—so calm and deliberate—made her wonder if he was anticipating what she was going to say before she even said it. It was a ridiculous thought, she knew, but she couldn’t shake it. She’d seen enough movies to entertain the idea, and part of her was still convinced that there was more to him than met the eye. The other part of her, however, was simply happy for the help. She did need assistance with the papers, and maybe this would be her chance to get to know him better. Maybe she could figure out if her suspicions were anything more than a silly assumption. The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. She quickly grabbed her things and headed out to her car, signaling for Caleb to follow. She could feel a strange anticipation in her chest as she glanced in the rearview mirror, making sure he was still behind her. The drive was short, only about ten minutes, and soon they arrived at her house. It was the kind of place that screamed "ideal family home"—a large, well-kept house in a quiet neighborhood with a white picket fence and a yard that always looked perfect. It was big enough for her family of five, plus an extra person if needed. She pulled into the driveway and hopped out of the car, waiting for Caleb to catch up. With a friendly gesture, she invited him inside. She led him up to her room, where the walls were adorned with fairy lights, and a hammock swayed gently in the corner. The room had a cozy, lived-in feel to it, with a large double bed covered in soft blankets and a collection of Polaroid photos scattered across the walls—pictures of her friends, family, and, of course, her cat, Twiggy. “Welcome to my little sanctuary,” she said with a smile as she dropped her bag on the chair by her desk. “That’s Twiggy,” she added, gesturing to the cat, who was curled up at the foot of her bed. She rummaged through her desk drawers, pulling out the practice paper she’d been given in class, then tossed it onto the bed. As she moved to sit on the floor next to the beanbag chair, she gestured to the seat across from her. “Make yourself comfortable,” she chirped, her voice light and easy. As she began setting up, her phone buzzed in her pocket, making her jump slightly. She pulled it out to see a message from her friends, asking if she needed a ride to the party that evening. Morgan groaned softly, torn between wanting to get this study session over with and not wanting to miss out on the fun. The party was a big deal, after all, and she hadn’t yet decided if she was going. After a quick moment of hesitation, she shot them a reply. I’ll be there, she typed, then set her phone down on the bed, looking up at Caleb with a raised eyebrow. “Well, I guess we better get started. No sense in procrastinating, right?” she said, trying to keep her tone casual, even though she was already thinking about the party. Her eyes met his, waiting for him to settle in and ready himself. There was a part of her that was still curious about him—still trying to figure out if there was more to Caleb than what he let on. But for now, she’d focus on the task at hand and see where the conversation took them.
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Caleb got out and took in the house's scene. It was nice, but nothing like his own home. He followed her in and gently pet the cat when she pointed him out. "He's cute." He commented, sitting on her bed beside her. It was comfortable, but she seemed on-edge. "Right" He agreed when she mentioned procrastinating. He subtly looked her up and down before listening to her in both ways. He heard a slight edge to her mental voice, though her physical voice was upbeat and casual. "What do you need help with?" He asked
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Morgan settled comfortably on the bed, feeling the familiar weight of her cat, Twiggy, pressing lightly against her leg. The warmth of his small body was comforting, and she absentmindedly ran her fingers through his soft fur. She placed the practice paper between them, cocking her head slightly as she looked down at the work in front of her. "He’s cute, huh?" she mused, her voice soft as she continued to pet Twiggy. "He’s been with me forever, honestly. Can’t remember life without him." She smiled to herself, her gaze fondly drifting to the cat. Pulling a blanket over her lap, she gave a small hum of thought, her attention shifting back to the paper. Caleb had already asked about it, so she began to flick through the pages, moving past the multiple-choice questions. "The multiple choice stuff is fine, I don’t really struggle with that," she said, voice thoughtful. As she flipped towards the essay section, she wrinkled her nose in mild frustration. "But when it gets to the essays... yeah, that’s where I lose it," she muttered, her tone a little more self-deprecating. "I can always get the points down, but I never seem to answer the question the way they want." She glanced up at Caleb with a small, almost sheepish smile. She caught herself and couldn’t help but add a playful thought in her head, smiling at the absurdity of it all. But you’d already know that, right? she thought, her inner voice teasing. Freaky mind reader dude. She didn’t really believe it, but it was amusing to entertain the thought. Maybe he really could read minds. Maybe he couldn’t. Either way, the idea seemed like something straight out of one of the sci-fi books she used to read, and she couldn’t help but find it oddly fun. They worked in relative silence for a while, the only sounds being the rustling of pages and the occasional hum from Morgan as she thought. Time passed quickly, and after about an hour, her phone suddenly began to vibrate wildly, buzzing across the bed. Morgan glanced down at it and let out a small groan. "Hold on," she muttered to Caleb, giving him a quick apologetic look before answering the phone. One of her friends was on the other end, speaking rapidly, practically out of breath. Morgan’s brow furrowed as she listened, the words coming through in a jumble. Something about the gathering happening nearby—something she’d forgotten about entirely. She hung up with a soft sigh, feeling a little annoyed but also mildly amused by the sudden interruption. Looking back at Caleb, she hesitated before asking, “Do you have anywhere you need to be?” Her voice was casual, though her thoughts were clearly elsewhere. "There’s a get-together not far from here... I kinda wanna go, actually." She stood up, brushing her hands off as she gave Caleb an easy smile. "You’re welcome to come with me if you want," she added with a small laugh. "It could be fun. And I could really use a break from all this studying," she said, motioning to the scattered papers on the bed. She glanced at Caleb, curious about his response. It had been a productive afternoon, but she couldn’t deny that she was ready for a change of pace.
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(Sorry, celebrating with fam) He smirked to himself when she accused him again, barely holding back a chuckle when she called him freaky. He nodded non-cahalntly at her question of knowing what she was struggling with, playing it off as agreeing with her writing. Caleb helped her for a while before petting the cat as she spoke on the phone. He smiled at Morgan. "Sure. I can drive us both?" He offered
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(Nws I get it! Don't feel pressured to reply unless you have time aha) Morgan’s grin widened as Caleb agreed to join her. It was a mix of excitement and relief—though she’d been buried in schoolwork all day, she couldn’t sit still for too long. She needed a break, and hanging out with her friends was the perfect way to unwind. The thought of a change of scenery had her feeling a little lighter already. But just as she was about to grab her things, the unmistakable sound of the front door slamming echoed through the house. Her smile faltered slightly. That would be her dad. He was a good guy, but he didn’t exactly approve of her new group of friends. They had a habit of partying hard—drinking, staying out late—and it wasn’t exactly the kind of lifestyle her dad was fond of. Morgan winced a little, but shrugged it off. She didn’t want to let it ruin her night. When Caleb offered to drive, she nodded quickly, eager to get going and shake off the tension. “Sounds good,” she chirped, trying to keep the mood light. She hopped up from the bed, making her way over to her wardrobe to grab another jumper. It was chilly outside, and she figured it wouldn’t hurt to be a little more bundled up. As she slipped the jumper on, she glanced at Caleb with a smile. “Let’s go,” she said brightly, her excitement creeping back up. The house felt suddenly too small and the atmosphere a little heavy, but she was determined to make the best of it. Slipping down the stairs quietly, she glanced toward the living room where she could hear her dad’s muffled voice. He probably wouldn’t say anything right now, but she knew there’d be a conversation waiting for her when she got home. For now, though, she was more than ready to get out of the house and enjoy the night.
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Caleb heard the man's tired thoughts as he slammed the door. Caleb's keys were still in his car and he followed Morgan out of the house. He hopped into the car before startng it and making sure Morgan was buckled. He didn't want her hurt whatsoever. He smiled at her and pulled out of the driveway, gunning down the road. He pulled up to the house, recognizing the place from her mind as he'd driven past it plenty of times. He realized as he got out he forgot to ask her the address, faking innocence. He winced mentally and listened carefully to Morgan's mental voice
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Morgan hopped into Caleb’s car with a happy bounce, glancing around as she buckled her seatbelt. It was an older model, not as sleek or modern as her own jeep, but it had its own charm. The faint smell of old leather mixed with a weak air freshener filled the air, giving the car a sense of familiarity, as though it had seen many miles and many stories. There was something oddly comforting about it—reliable, sturdy, the kind of car that would get you where you needed to go without any fuss. She glanced over at Caleb, a little curious when she noticed how he seemed to know exactly where they were headed. She hadn’t given him the address or any details about the party, yet he seemed confident about the route. She didn’t want to make a big deal of it, though. There were plenty of people who would’ve told him where it was. Her mind quickly wandered to the guys she’d seen Caleb with—she knew for sure that some of them would be there, so it made sense that they’d have shared the information. As they got closer to the location, Morgan’s thoughts were interrupted by the sight of the house in the distance. It was unmissable—massive and imposing, more mansion than a house, really. It sat just a few miles down the road from her own place, and she could already see a sea of cars lining the long drive. Her excitement bubbled up again, and she looked over at Caleb with a grin. “Are your mates coming down?” she asked curiously, raising an eyebrow. She hadn’t mentioned anything about the party to him directly, but if he was here, it was safe to assume he had to know some of the people coming. Caleb hadn’t even needed the address. That thought lingered for a second, but Morgan pushed it aside, deciding it was probably nothing. She wasn’t about to let her wild imagination take over, wondering what else he could be up to. With a small nudge of her elbow, she bumped Caleb’s side gently, grinning at him as she stepped out of the car. “My girls are all gonna be here, too,” she said happily. “You’re more than welcome to join us if you’d like.” She couldn’t help but feel a little light-hearted. It was a chance to hang out, relax, and enjoy the evening. As they walked toward the house, the driveway was packed with cars, and Morgan wrinkled her nose, glancing at the growing number of vehicles. "Although," she added with a small chuckle, "We might not be your scene.” It was a half-joking, half-serious remark. After all, she wasn’t sure how Caleb would fit in with the party crowd, but it seemed like a fun night either way.
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Caleb smirked as he got out. "I certainly hope not." He said when she mentioned his friends. "I'll just follow you" He said quietly, wondering what she was planning
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