He looked around for a few more minutes before picking up his stuff and walking to the weight room. He set down his backpack then went to his locker, fishing out his clothes and changing while the others arrived. He went ahead and started benching and lifting weights before anyone else had grabbed their clothes. "Look. Nik is already lifting. What's that? Like 20 pounds?" They asked. "Yeah. I was too busy to lift at home" nik replied then put away the weight, talking to the coach for a few minutes about what he shoukd do and his future with baseball
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Wren decided to not skip, it was the first day after all. Her class was filled with underclassmen, although there was a freshman that looked nice. But Wren did better on her own, she sat on her phone till the bell rang for lunch.
Nikolas changed and put on some fresh deodorant before heading to the lunch room. He grabbed his plate then sat down at a table by himself. That privacy only lasted a few minutes though because the other baseball boys came and sat with him.
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Wren sat down at a bench. She didn't pack herself a lunch that day so she sat there, on her phone. She didn't want to sit in the lunch room, and it was warm outside.
Nik kept his head down as he ate quietly. The boys ran through different drills that they could do. Nikolas gulped down the last of his food then headed to his next class, Entrepreneurship.
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Wren watched the baseball boys walk to their classes. She didn't like baseball but the group of boys could be fun to watch. Her next class was math, ew. She sat down in a seat at the back, scrolling through her phone. It was the first day, how important could it really be?
A few of the boys clapped him in the back before they disappeared into the hallway. Mom sighed and took a seat in the back corner. He immediately caught the eye of some girls and they wandered closer to where he was sitting. "Hello" they said but he quickly beushed them off, making them go away from embarrassment.
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