Annikas Dad Nodded since it was the next day "Try and tack her up" +++ Celeste was a bit hesitant of what they were doing but she was gonna try her best to Stay calm.
Annika made small steps and let her smell the tack before she places it on her back softly before she puts the bridle on her face as Annika pets her and said "is okay girl nother to worry about here "
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Celeste Didnt Mind The Bridle And Other Tack on Her She Got a bit Nervous. (could we skip like 1 week and She finally Begins to Jump/Move with people on her back?)
Sure I guess) Annika smiles before looking at her dad. After one week later she was so excited to be about to tack up and go for a ride on her as she got dress and rushed downstairs
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Celeste Was Grazing As Annika Led her into the tack room to get tacked up Celeste didnt mind the tack snd Finally Annika hopped on her And gently kiced her sides for Celeste to move She started trotting for the first time in a week.
Annika smiles as she posted up and down as she patted her neck saying " good girl " as she keeps trotting around and her dad set out jumping poles on the ground
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Celeste Went over them Like she has been doing that for years as ANnikas dad set up the high jump She easily made it past She SMiled As Annikas dad Brought Celeste Out to the pasture but after Annika went inside They got her into the trailer Celeste Reared so loud that Annika could hear it but Celeste was gone.