"Alrighty,Reacher"SHe Wrote down sometheing in her book. "Were you involved in this murder?"
Reacher's eyebrows twitchd up slightly, the first facial expression he'd shown. +Alrighty? Where did that come from+ he thought, folding his hands... he couldn't cross his arms, because they were handcuffed together. "Everyone says I am." he answered in a flat voice, shifting in the chair. "It isn't like you are actually interested in the truth- no one is these days. However, I will give it to you. I was not involved in the murder in any way shape or form." Reacher spoke more than he had for his whole time in prison, his black eyes studying this woman carefully to see how she'd take it.
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She Nodded"Alright, They Found You On Scene Did You see This Murder Happen Or Who was The True Murderer" She dindt Seem Threatened by this Bulky Prisoner She Gave Him A Serious Look But Scanned Him Up and Down.
Reacher didn't twitch a muscle, not even seeming to contemplate her question but still taking a while to answer. "I was a target, too. The human that was killed was part of the Special Investigators Unit 101. I was the leader of that unit. During the murder I got shot in the side, but they missed the heart. It was a sniper.... you should know that if you looked at the autopsy. The bullet wound was clearly from farther away. I saw my aquaintence fall, I heard the shot, and I started moving. They missed and hit my side. By then I was gone." He answered deliberately, explaining the details of what had happened. "So no, I did not see the sniper's face. They were a ways away. From the bullet wound I sustained I'd have to guess almost a mile. They'd need a clear view so they'd be on a high ridge. The winds that day were gentle, but still there- so the sniper would have to be in a specific place to get an accurate aim. Butcher (the person that was killed) and I were under an arch, so there was only one spot the sniper could have shot from and possibly hit. A small ridge, to the north, 1.1 miles away. With that information you can easily say they'd have to be very experienced. Butcher was dead before we knew anything and I was close, so the sniper knew what they were doing." He pointed out what he thought as easy bits of information, his jaw tightening slightly at the mention of Tom Butcher, who had been his tenative friend. They had fought many battles together, at least.
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"Mhm."Lrya listened and wrote it down."So Your Court day will be in days"Lyra Smiled "Thank you for your time She looked at the police officers as they led him out of the room She walked out and drove back to the court room and handed the paper to the judge she drove hme got undressed,showered,skin care,Then she got ready to watch her favorite TV show she made some popcorn and Melted Butter she Got on her pajamas She Finally Got under the covers Watched her favorite show and fell asleep.
Reacher tilted his head just slightly and watched her leave, following the guards who rather roughly tried to drag him back to his cell. +Careful or you'll pull my arms off+ He thought grumpily, laying back down on the bunk and closing his eyes.
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Lyra couldn't Sleep She Looked At Her Phone It Was 4am The Storm Was rough She Turned On Her heaters and watched TikTok.
The next morning the cells were opened for common time.. it was that kind of prison. Reacher sat up in his bed, but didn't move any further, looking out at the people already almost starting fights. He couldn't wait for the court hearing so he could either he sentenced to prison or let free.
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It Was The day of court Lyra got changed. She arrived at the courthouse sat down And Stood Up For Reacher "Reacher Explanied It All!,hfkfhiehfieh"(random Words)
Reacher was being led along by the guards into the courthouse. He was kept handcuffed, but this time they didn't handcuff him to the table. However, a guard stood on either side of him, looking rather grumpy. Reacher listened to what the woman... Lyra? Had said. His black eyes scanned the crowd.
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