
Okay - Quinn dropped the disposable phone in the trash can and stalked away, like a black shadow flitting through the streets. -A murder case... finally- She thought, getting into a black chevy picup truck and driving to scene. She hopped out, showed her badge to a police officer, and walked in. "So, what happened?" Quinn barked at someone who looked in command. Personally she didn't want to investigate this case... congressmen werre cruel idiots that diserved to be murdered so there. "Oh uh, Quinn Carter? Well someone came in at around 3:30 PM today and murdered John Smith, then disappeared without a trace. We only know that he is a male, his name, and possibly what he looks like. Azai, big man will blonde hair. That's about all we got." The man stammered, obviously unnerved and confused by Quinn's appearance. "Stop acting like a scared puppy and help with the case." Quinn snapped. "I need height, weight, skin color, eye color, a full name, everything!" She growled, going to the scene of where it happened. Obviously gun... through the head... close range.
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Azai walked into his hotel room across the city he knew they wouldn't find much he always cleaned up his messes. Plus he had the lines in the hotel taped so he would know everything they knew. He pulled out a can of spray paint and went to a bridge he painted an egale and then left fo the hotel again.

Quinn whirled around and stomped up to the scaredy cat in charge.. "hey, you! This guy is obviously smart, gun to the head at point blank range = least messy way of exterminating someone. He even cleaned up his mess... let me guess, you didn't find a whole lot of DNA? So if he's gonna think like a fox, that puts us as the chickens! Did you make sure the com lines aren't bugged? Are we using a private line? Did we make a new line for just this case? Did you check to make sure the cameras aren't bugged? Did you even CHECK the cameras?" Quinn asked, her stormy eyes wild. "AY! Uh, er, no... no, no no and no!" The man squeaked. "Idiots." Quinn muttered. First she checked the cameras, then made sure they weren't bugged. Then she created a new line, making everyone use that. Then she checked to make sure their line wasn't bugged. "HEY DIMWITS... THE LINE IS BUGGED" Quinn roared. "I need a recording of everything we have said, NOW!" She snarled. People hopped to it, quickly bringing her a recording. Quinn listened. "So no super helpful info for the muderer, great. KEEP YOUR MOUTHS SHUT and make sure NOTHING else is bugged." Quinn ordered
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Azai smiled this girl was smart but he knew she wouldn't be smart enough or at least he hoped. if it comes down to it I'll just kill her he thought. He went into the bathroom and took a shower. Then he pulled out his laptop and haked the girls computer he made sure he wouldn't leave a trace. he put a virus on he rcomputer so that if she opend his file her computer would shut down

Quinn watched everyone work for a moment. "Okie dokie, well time for role playing." Quinn said to herself. For some reason this always worked and she was rather good at it... because she thought like a criminal. If the criminal was smart. Quinn stalked into the building and glanced aound. "So he would disable the video cameras." Quinn muttered, then glanced around again. "Laid eyes on John, who was all alone in an empty building." Quinn mused. "Walked up, pulled out the gun, shot him, cleaned up the mess... and left through the front door." I mean, if you were really smart, that's how Quinn would do it. Make sure the bulding was empty, make sure there was no way anyone could see inside, kill the person quick and easy, and walk back out the front. The police had already asked everyone and they said they had seen lots of people come out of the building, so that's what didn't add up. Finally it clicked. The kidnapper didn't kill anyone at 3:30. He wasn't even in the building at 3;30. He killed the guy at 4... and all the people left at 3;30. The police asked the wrong people. Then again, if this guy was smart nobody would have seen him so that didn't do Quinn much good... unless... he didn't leave the building through the front entrance. If there was no one around to blend in, what would Quinn do. "The vents" She said to herself. That's what she would do. Quinn asked for a sample... "Muah haha, got you now." Quinn snarled, loading the DNA sample into a lab and having it tested quickly. Azai (insert last name) not much on him... but there was no record of him buying a house. Which meant he rented an apartment. Quinn hopped into her truck and glanced at her computer, opening it and realizing something was wrong. "Eh, the old fashioned way always worked better." Quinn threw the computer away and drove to the nearest apartements. She asked the clerk... and there was a tall blonde guy that rented a room. Clerk identified him as Matthew, but if he was smart he wouldn't give the correct name. Quinn would just have to make sure.
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Azai sat in his room and looked out the window. The girl was smart. That was the only thing on his mind. She was probably at his fake apartement now he gathered his stuff and haeded to the airport Atlanta's next. He smiled one down three to go.

Quinn went up to the room, and knocked on the door. When no one answered she went in, finding it empty. "Hm." Quinn muttered, knowing this criminal was smarter than she had hoped. "Well... I would go to the airport next. He obviously knows I'm on his trail." Quinn growled to herself, walking back down, hopping in her truck, and driving off. She checked her daggers and guns in her leather jacket before peeling out and going to the Atlanta airport
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Azai sat in his hotel room and smiled he had just killed another congress member. He made it seem like it was her husband though. "tick tack to three in a row"

Quinn finally got on the phone and started yelling at people. "YOU IDIOTS HE HAS KILLED TWO PEOPLE NOW AND I'M WORKING MY BUTT OFF WITH THIS CASE, GET ME SOMETHING!" She roared, hanging up quickly and getting ready to go back. Quinn needed info... like where his actual home was. Finally she got a call, talked for a coouple minutes, called someone else, and smiled a little. "at least someone is doing their job" she muttered under her breath "Thanks Memphis." Quinn said, driving out. She pulled up at an apartement and went inside, going down the halls till she got to the exact room number she knew Azai was at. "Open up." Quinn ordered. The building was high up, and Quinn had blocked the window. The whole block was surrounded with policemen. The only way out was through this door, and Quinn was guarding it. She may not look like a 7 foot tall hulk of muscle... but she did look scary. her all black, firey eyes, and murderous look.
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Azai heard the knock on his door "oh its unlocked come right in we can have a party" He smiled and held his gun in front of him. This gir found him but he was smart. He had people on the inside "wait for my cue mark" He muttered under his breath so she wouldn't hear.