hmmm i think during the war??
Okay. Do you want to start or should I?
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You please and I'll follow your lead.
Okay ------- Quinn looked around, her bright green eyes flashing in the depths of the water. Then she saw what she was looking for- a dark red dragon swimming up towards her. Fury rammed into her, sending her spinning backwards. "Hey girl!" Quinn smiled. Fury looked at her. Hi Quinn! What are we doing today? Fury asked inside Quinn's mind. Quinn thought for a second. "Let's go to a town. I want to see more above water people. Come on!" Quinn smiled. Fury swam her to the top, both climbing out of the water. Fury transformed into a horse it looked like Quinn was riding so people didn't freak out. Quinn looked around, trying to spot out anyone who looked worth looking at.
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Running along the water side Dagda had Reaper on leash as they passed by people, eventually slowing down to a stop Dagda patted Reapers side "Good boy" Dagda spoke in a slight low tone whilst sweat dripped off his face and neck causing his shirt to be soaked in spots around the neck of the shirt. Dagda began to walk Reaper to cool them both off before heading home, his hair wet from the sweat dangled in front of his eyes and his muscles were hugged by his shirt.
Quinn jumped off Fury, walking along the beach. She breathed in the cool, salty air. It felt weird to breath... anyway. She looked around and saw a young man running his dog. Most girls would have immediately been attracted to his muscles, but Quinn looked at the dog. "Hello! Is your dog friendly? Could I say hi?" She walked up to him, looking at the adorable canine
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(By the way I got to go. I'll respond tomorrow!)
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Dagda was caught off gaurd by the young lady that approached "He's friendly, go ahead" he spoke in his yet again slight low tone, Reaper looked at the girl with a cocked head as his tail wagged back n forth happily. Watching Reaper carefully he loosened the leash to let Reaper approach when he was comfortable, Reaper reached his head out to sniff. He smelt the sea on her but didn't mind it much as his master tended to smell like the sea as well but with a slight tinge of woods, pulling away he sat down then plopped onto his stomach to flip over onto his back; he was showing her how friendly he was but his eyes also held a warning to not cross the line with his master for he will always protect him at all costs. While Reaper did this Dagda observed the girl and her odd looking horse, confused for it did not look like any horse he saw growing up. Edited at March 30, 2023 12:38 AM by Little_Butterfly
Quinn let the dog sniff her hand, then scratched behind its ear where dogs are usually itchy. She stood back up straight, smiling. "Thank you." She dipped her head gratefully. Her long black hair was pulled up into a tight ponytail that bobbed when she nodded. Quinn started walking back to Fury, ready to wait till the boy was gone to dive back into the sea
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