[Cali grew intrigued and decided he wanted to follow the deer, he had time, he had all day. He wandered through the forest a bit, looking around for the deer with the slightest clue where it had gone.]
Helios lays back down in the meadow he was in before he went to find out about the food and is eating a bush.
[He sighed, realizing he was lost. Cali was too tired for climbing trees or running, so he just wandered slowly through the forest. After a bit, he found himself in a meadow, now, he was really lost. Cali looked around before spotting the deer, he slowly approached it curiously.]
Helios picks his head up and sees the elf and he picks his tail up and is about to bolt.
[Cali quickly froze. He decided it was probably best to just head back. Quickly, Cali remembered he was lost and began to head back over into the meadow]
Helios walks up and nudges the elf all the way to the edge of the forest.
[Cali stood fairly surprised. He gave the deer an unsure look, knowing that it was abnormal behavior of a deer. He left some food on the ground for the deer before continuing down the trail.]
Helios eats the food and then dissappears back into the forest and to my meadow.
[Cali was having a hard time shaking the deer's strange behavior from his mind. He gripped his bag fairly tight as he tried to think, to no avail. His mind swiftly trailed as he tripped over a thorn branch that was hanging too low on the path. "Augh! That hurt!" He checked around his ankle to find a slight wound, nothing bad, but it still hurt. Cali sat in place processing for a bit.]
Helios comes to the elf with an herb and presses it against the elf's wound with his muzzle.