I've been on this account more in the last month than I have in total the past 8.. yet I'm still not ready for RO because this entire month I've been thinking "RO is still like 3.5 weeks away, Its not time yet"... *facepalm*
Harper walked V out of the barn and stopped him to let him look around, new places didn't really bother him, but she still liked to let him look around. He put his wars forward and looked at everything that was around, then he bent his head back around to tell her that he was ready to go. "Good Boy." She said as she flipped the reins over his neck. She stepped back by his head and grabbed a piece of his mane and slung up on his back, then she asked him to walk forward.
Vincent when for the first jump and made it over then the second one he made it all but the water jump and Vincent falls off and his horse bucks and runs off Vincent got up rubs his back of his head and groans
Harper was walking around the new stables and enjoying the scenery, then she saw someone jumping and realized it was the same grey mare she saw getting tacked up earlier. She watched for a second and saw the rider fall off and the horse run off. She nudged V into the trot and rode up to the guy. "Are you okay?" She asked as she stopped V and looked at the guy.
Vincent looks at her and said "yeah just my horse doesn't like water that much " as star comes back looking down thinking she was in trouble Vincent grabs her and pets her face and said " you did great girl but you need to get over the fear of water" star nickers and shakes her head
Harper watched as the horse came back and listened to the guy. "Good." She replied. "How old is she?" She asked as she looked at the horse. The horse looked young, but she didn't want to just assume.
Vincent said "she is 3 years old and still in training "then said "what about your he is a beautiful horse you got" and Vincent took his reins over her neck and holds it then said "you new here " Vincent through about it for a while he has seen her horse around here
Harper looked at the mare again and then back to the guy as he was talking. "He is 13." She replied about V. Then she listened to his second question. "Yes, I just got here today." She replied. V had his ears forward and looked at the other horse and than back to in front of him.
Vincent said " wow he is beautiful "then said "want a show around "Vincent throws the reins over her head and got back on and smiles then pats her Vincent trys to get comfortable
Harper watched as the guy got up on the mare and thought about his offer. "Sure." She replied as she backed V up a few steps. She stroked his neck as he looked around again. When he was turned so that his right side was facing the guy and his horse he turned his head to the right so that he could see them with his left eye before straightening his head.
Vincent said "great oh I am Vincent nice to meet you " as he smiles and was his horse looks at the new horse and nickers shaking it head like come on then Vincent kicks her to walks out of the jumping course