"You'll be fine." He assured him "Gimmie a call anytime you need." He smiled. Max had begrudgingly accepted the fact that she couldn't fit into much aside from the sunflower dress that Hailey had given her... she hated dresses but it was so much more comfortable. "Hey boys." She chirped happily as Oliver climbed into his father's lap too.
Sage threw Travis a grateful look at his comment and nodded. He would do that...he didn't want to bother Max if he was having a bad day, but Travis may be needed at some point, even if it was just to keep Charlie occupied with his little one so he could catch his breath. He wrapped an arm around Max when she sat down happily, glad to have her with him. He knew she was busy, so he didn't wasn't to say she had to stay with him all the time, but he did feel much more comfortable when she was around.
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Maxine smiled as Hailey sat beside her husband too "The nursery looks amazing you guys..." she chirped happily "Thank you." Max said happily "Sage was amazing for finding the same crib we had for Charlie." she said happily "And he put it together too." she chuckled "Those things are such a pain in the ass to put together..." she grumbled. "Don't we know it..." Hailey chuckled "We didn't even take apart Olivers cause we knew we wanted another kiddo." she chuckled "It was just better to save some stress and leave the damn thing together." she snickered.
Sage hummed lightly and thanked Hailey before shrugging in a slightly bashful manner. "I just put the crib together... everything else has been Max," he admitted with a chuckle. He wrinkled his nose and nodded at Hailey comments. "we wanted them to have their own rooms, so I figured I may as well just get another bed for the second one. Charlie's we can take the sides off and turn it into an actual bed for her," he hummed with a light shrug.
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Hailey and Travis nodded "Thats honestly perfect..." Hailey admitted as Max bumped him "Hey now building that crib was an effort and a half..." she chuckled wrapping an arm around her husband wincing a little before she seized his hand and put it on her stomach "Wait a sec..." she said as a foot pressed against Sage's hand "The boys are awake..." she teased.
Sage chuckled slightly at Max's comment and shrugged. "Yeah but it only took like an hour," he pointed out. 'you've been in there working all week." He was surprised when she grabbed his hand but couldn't help but smile when he felt the baby kick. "I don't know how you women carry those things," he admitted. "I would make an awful pregnant person," he chuckled.
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"You boys would be big babies" Hailey corrected with a smirk "You may be big and tough boys but you'd never last being pregnant." she smirked as Max winced a little giving a light chuckle "I agree completely..." she agreed with a laugh. "I think I could handle it..." Travis retorted earning a pat on the head from his wife "You're cute." she teased lightly "Neither of you boys would last a day with one nevermind two." she retorted she and Max high fiving one another.
Sage snorted lightly at the girl's comments. "To be fair, we aren't exactly built to carry babies," he chuckled. "If we tried to pop one out I think we'd just break," he mused in amusement. He snickered when Travis said he could deal with it. "Nope, I'm siding with the girls on this one," he chuckled. "Although, now I want to put one of those labor stimulators on ya just for funsies," he said with a chuckle.
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Hailey and Max laughed happily the both of them giving Sage a kiss on the cheeks for siding with them before Hailey laughed and looked at her husband who paled a little "Been there... done that... he got too cockey when I found out we were having Riley." she smirked "He didn't last past round 3..." she snickered. Travis's face went red from embarassment.
Sage felt his face redden when the girls both pressed a kiss to his cheek and grinned over at Travis once Hailey mentioned he couldn't last until round three. "Three huh," he teased his friend. "That's it," he joked lightly. He wasn't sure he could go much farther, but he was used to pain at least. Either way.... He could tease his friend.
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