
He shook his head at all of the questions, too tired to be anything else. He smiled and sat down. He watched her leave, then turned tp look more at her house. It was obvious she adored the house, it was in good condition. He leaned forward, leaning and elbow on his knee to put his hand on his forehead and lean on it for a moment, not noticing that he was being watched.

Kitty took his oblivion for a chance to survey him without armor. He was taller, definitely. On the leaner side. Cute, even if absolutely exhausted, which was always a bonus. And he was a really sweet person. She nodded to herself quietly at her decision to let him into her home. She walked over and gently tapped his shoulder. "Come on, sleepyhead. I have a bed for you." She smirked, walking back to the hallway and going to the first door on the right.

He was half asleep, looking up at her as she tapped him. He watched her turn away. He used the armrest to make himself stand up, almost falling back down, but he made it. He slipped into the bedroom she'd walked into and glancing around. It was also cozy in here. "I like it, you make things very homey." He said softly.

Seeing as he had just stumbled into an all-pink room, homey wasn't her first impression. It was a soft pink, the walls, the bedsheets. The canopied bed and wood floors were a rich mahogany, though, which set it off nicely. "Im glad you like it. You can sleep in my room, if you like. It's a bit more... muted." She smiled. "I do apologize for the color. It was... I, uh, never got the chance to repaint." She said, clearing her throat.

He smiled at her, pink or no she'd done a great job of decorating. "Pink is a lovely color. I like it." He said sweetly, sitting down on the bed. "You should keep at least some of it this color if you do repaint." He smiled, looking around again, it would shine very pink in the morning when the sun rose. Who didn't love an awesome pink glow?

She tilted her head at him. "Ill make sure to keep that in mind next time I get you a gift." Kitty smiled, walking into her room and grabbing some things from her closet before walking back. She gently popped them on the dresser. "Just some basic clothing for the morning, since I assume you'd want to change." She added, walking to stand in front of him. "Don't die, okay? It would be a real dissapointment." She teased. "Have a good sleep." She added, gently ruffling his hair and turning on her heel to walk out of the room.

He narrowed his eyes at her, smiling. He looked around the room more when she walked off. He glanced up as she walked back in with clothes. He nodded. "Thank you." He looked up at her for once, from his seat. He chuckled a little. "I too would be disappointed if I died." He tilted his head down as she ruffled his hair. "Good night." He said quietly. Skippeth to morning?))

Yeyeye)) Kitty was up earlier than him, quietly tidying her house up. She was in a long blouse that covered her shorts mosyt of the time, her hair down and wavy. She had been doing her best to be as quiet as possible, and was currently making food.

He blinked awake, he'd definitely slept heavily. Laying on his back. He couldn't hear her out there, he sat up, glancing around at all of the pink. He looked at his shoulder, same old same out hurt. He slowly stood up, rubbing the tired out of his eyes. He opened the door, thankful it was quiet. He walked down the hall and rounded the corner. He leaned on the door and watched her work. He'd changed into the pants she'd left for him last night, but not the shirt. He was indeed shirtless. 47-PACK COBBLESTONE ROAD ABS MY GUY))

DAMN RIGHT AS IT SHOULD BE WITH A SIDE OF BICEEEEEEPS)) Kitty was quite intent on her work for a few minutes after he arrived, humming to herself softly. She blinked as she saw a figure out if the corner of her eye, flushing and spinning around to look at him. A few things ran through her mind. 1) How long had he been there? 2) Did she wake him up? 3) WHERE THE FUCK DID HIS SHIRT GO? Not that she was complaining. She blinked at him blankly for a few moments, throwing out the first words her brain could find. "You're shirtless... And you have abs." She said bluntly, looking him up and down a few times before her filter kicked in. It sufficed to say, she was flushed to all hell, and she tried to backtrack, stammering out... something. "I didn't- uhm- I uh, well- er- uhm- im gonna- uhm. Food. I made, you, uhm, food." She said quietly, letting out a nervous laugh and turning to walk away, promptly tripping over her own feet and recovering before she slammed herself onto a stool. She grabbed a glass of water and drank some of it, staring at the bottom of the glass as if she could pretend nothing happened.