Blaze woke up. She stood up and looked around. The young mare saw Raptor and whinnied to the stallion.
Raptor pricked his ears at The whinny and slowly walked over to Blaze. "How was your night? Did you get any rest?" He asked, swishing his tail to rid himself of the flies.
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"It was okay. I got some sleep. What about you?" She stomped her back hoof, getting flies away
Raptor grunted. "Sleep isn't a thing around here, for me." He snorted, flattening his ears as he heard the rumble of a distant storm... that sounded like it was getting closer
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"Oh.. I- I need to get Millie home... before the storm hits. But that will take hours..." She spoke quietly, more to herself than Raptor.
Raptor looked at her. "It sounds like the storm Ismail moving in fast. Ask her if she would mind staying one more night. It should be over by next morning." He fidgeted slightly. Storms always made him nervous... especially up in the mountains. He had seen hundred year old trees get ripped out of the ground like dandelions by a big storm
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"Huh?" She asked, confused. "Oh, yeah. Sorry... didn't realize I said that out loud." She looked to Millie. "You fine with sticking around till the storms over?" She asked her sister. "Yep!" Millie said, cheerfully. "Okay.." Blaze responded. The young black and white mare put her head down, and held it there. Her ears pinned back. She wasn't mad, just worried.
Raptor swished his tail. The sky was growing darker, fast. "Hey everyone, storm is a'rollin' in! Follow me please!" Raptor bellowed out over the mares. They all raised their heads, their ears Rockies in alarm. Raptor trotted to a canyon wall, a bunch of vines covering it. He then went right through the vines and disappeared. It wasn't a wall, it was vines covering a cave entrance. The areas followed him in. It was a giant cave, with soft moss for a bottom. There was a small stream running through it. Raptor smiled. "Perfect place to wait out a storm, eh?" He chuckled slightly, trying to raise the tension
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Blaze and Millie followed Raptor. Blaze stopped outside the cave. She slowly stepped through the vines, the moss squishing under her hooves.
Raptor walked over to the water, took a sip, then vanished back outside the cave. He stood outside the cave entrance, squinting his eyes at the sky. The wind blew harder, turning into a howling gale
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