
He sat up straight and pointed a finger at her. "Yeah, you should learn self defense. You're not getting out of that." He shrugged. "Tomorrow we can do stuff. Right now, you need your rest." He looked out the window. "I guess I'll just go wander around in the dark and hope I don't die." The last part was a joke, mostly. He made sure to keep his tone somewhat light so she knew that.
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Max gave a nod "Okay." She smirked "I'll put you on your ass eventually though I hope you know that." She smirked before giving a sigh "Please don't die..." She said gently she knew he was kidding but she didn't want him to die "Can I have a kiss before you go?" She asked.

He chuckled. "Well you already did that in bed," he laughed. Then he rolled his eyes. "You can always get a kiss." He leaned over her and pressed his lips to hers until he had to pull away for a breath. His gaze flicked down to her neck and pecked her lightly under her chin before practically sprinting out the door, face turning beet red.
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Maxine gave a laugh "Hey I told you we could stop if you wanted..." She reminded him with a smirk before his lips met hers. When he kissed her neck she scowled at him when he ran off "You tease!" She called with a laugh. Shortly after he left though she went to the bathroom and laid down in bed happy to get some sleep. As soon as he left the hotel Roxie appeared looking quite pleased with herself "Worried are we?" She asked with a chuckle.

Sage growled at pointed at her. "How did I know you were going to show up when I'm by myself?" He crossed his arms and scowled at her. "Not worried. More like...anxious to kick your ass." He talked big, but Maxine was asleep, so he nothing but a dagger to defend himself from Roxie. Which would be an issue. If she was another human he could beat her no problem. But a dagger against an elder demons powers? He stood no chance, and he knew it.
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Roxie giggled "Because it's more fun to tease you and make your little girlfriend think you're nuts..." She laughed "You're going psychotic... All because of me and I love that..." She said giving a wicked smile her purple eyes glowing with a mischievous light "Besides... You can't kick my ass right now anyway... Your master is upstairs asleep... You may think Max is different but she's just like every other human... Let me guess she didn't tell you about the boy she met in the store did she?" She smirked "If you two are so close why would she keep secrets from you hm?" She asked raising a brow. Edited at July 18, 2022 10:05 PM by MarbleFox Manor

Sage sighed and rolled his eyes. "Well if I go crazy I'm still able to kick your ass." He scowled. "Do you just stalk us every second of the day? Besides, she's a human. She can talk to other humans. They're social." He glared at her, so wanting to punch the smug smile off her face.
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"We'll see about that then... And yes... I do." She smirked "You really thought you'd get far without me being there? How do you think I'm always where you are? No matter how far away you think you get I'll be there waiting in the dark..." She smirked "Yeah humans are social... But they're also fickle... Besides if it wasn't such a big deal why wouldn't she have said something?" She asked him "Think about that..." She smirked leaning against the building. "Also good luck teaching her to fight..." She chuckled "That girl will never learn a damn thing... She's too weak... You may wind up killing her after all even without trying." She chuckled before disappearing.

Sage was curled his fists into balls and looked around wildly before punching the wall over and over again, trying to calm himself down. It worked somewhat, but now his knuckles are bruised and cut. He groaned and made a point to keep his biker gloves on when he slipped back into the hotel room and slid under the covers. What if Roxie was right, and Maxine was toying with him, just like Roxie was? And why didn't Roxie attack him? She could have easily beaten him. He closed his eyes but got no sleep so he grabbed Maxine's phone and some ear buds and turned on some music. He went out onto the balcony outside their room window and sat down with his back against the wall. He sat there all night, singing along with the music softly so as not to wake Maxine.
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"Temper temper!" Roxie chirped with a laugh before she let herself completely fade off though she still kept a watch on him. Maxine was sound asleep when he got back up to the room he hadn't been gone long but she had already fallen asleep... She was exhausted. After a few hours she woke up to the cool air coming in through the window... When she found that Sage wasn't beside her she went over and looked out the window... She leaned out the window smiling at him sleepily being quiet so she wouldn't disturb him and just listening for a few minutes before she went to the bathroom and then burrowed underneath the covers deciding to leave him alone for the moment. When she woke up the next morning she put on one of her bulky cardigans shivering slightly as she was cold "J-j-jeez..." She muttered... It was warm outside but she was freezing... She even grabbed a blanket as she was cold before she cuddled up in bed again shivering.