
When they got to her house, she got out and went inside, head pounding. She walked to her room and went to get dressed.
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Once dressed, Dakota opened her door and walked to her bed, flopping down
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Alexios, in the guest room, got dressed for bed.

Dakota curled up and quickly fell asleep. She fell straight into a nightmare, shaking and whimpering in her sleep
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Alexios, who wasn't able to sleep, heard her, and walked into her room. He sat beside her, and held her.

Dakota was unable to wake, the nightmare pulling her farther into fear. She continued to shake as a tear rolled down her cheek
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Alexios laid beside her, and held her in his arms, comforting her.

Dakota gradually stopped shaking and whimpering, falling into a dreamless sleep while feeling his arms around her
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He held her in his arms, and soon, he too, fell asleep.

Dakota woke the next morning, confused as to why she was being held. She recognized him soon after and smiled softly. She stayed in his arms, feeling quite safe and happy.
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