"Okay, a blanket? And painkillers if i can find any?" She asked, just checking to make sure she had gotten what he said right. Her voice was slightly shaky, and she had to take a deep breath to calm herself down as she looked at Sage. As long as he didn't die, that was okay. "do you need a drink aswell? i'd figure you would" she asked, displaying a very weak smile as she spoke.
Sage sort of nodded in agreement when she listed the blanket and pills, and then heasitated when she asked if he needed a drink. "I don't know if I'm supposed to ingest anything or not," he admitted. "I'm thirsty, but I don't know what got damaged," he grumbled, though let out a huff of air. "Maybe grab an IV or something if you're going to the doctor's to get painkillers," he suggested. "If not I'll manage," he mused with a sort of shrug, then regretted it when his face twisted in pain because of the movement and scowled in annoyance.
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Ella nodded and slipped out the bed, pulling on clothes before heading out the room. She was terrified to even walk around the castle, but as she had always thought, Sage was her priority. She slowly, and carefully walked down the hall, jumping at every knock or whisper than her mind was conjuring up from nowhere. Soon enough though she had grabbed a different blanket and iv, aswell as a bottle of water just incase he couldn't use the iv at all.
Sage did feel kind of bad, telling her to go get things that he wanted. That was supposed to be his job, after all, and she was obviously still nervous and shook up over... whatever had happened the other day. He still wasn't all too sure about what had taken place. He sort of closed his eyes again with a sigh once she left, attempting to at least pass some of the time as comfortable as he could get....which, admittedly, wasn't comfortable at all. Soon enough though, he heard her come back in, so he opened his eyes groggily and gave her a thankful smile. He grabbed the IV and hooked that bag on the headboard of the bed, before plugging it into the part that was still on his wrist. He'd torn the tube out of it during his mad dash out of the doctor's office earlier, but thankfully that price was still firmlu in his wrist. He slipped the painkiller pill into it too, hoping it would dissolve in the fluid and then go in with everything else. It seemed to work, and as the pain started to become much more manageable, he slid down under the blankets more and pretty much just passed out again. Now that he wasn't hurting quite so bad and wasn't so thirty, he was just downright exhausted.
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Ella didn't actually say a single word to Sage as he sorted himself out, she was unable to. As much as she wanted to care for the boy, her words seemed to fail her every single time she opened her mouth, and so instead she occasionally offered a faint smile here and there until he fell asleep, quickly following. The next morning she woke up rather late, to shouting outside. As she moved the curtain aside her eyes adjusted on a man running across the large open field, a guard following and shouting whatever words in his path. Clearly the commotion wasn't quite over yet. She sighed and sat herself up, ignoring the voices outside the door.
Sage had fallen asleep rather quickly, and had slept through the night like a rock. However, when he heard shouting outside again, he woke with a sort of yell, turning a terrified gaze out the window, sitting up quickly before doubling over in pain with a groan just as quickly. If he'd had anything in his stomach, he probably would have thrown up all over the floor. He was rather glad that hadn't happened. He took a moment to let the pain fade and his breath to catch up, before he took a deep breath and asked "what's going on out there," to Ella, not moving from his doubled over position because it hurt a bit more than he appreciated. As in, his vision was still swimming. His voice was probably wobbly too, though he did his best to hide it.
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"I don't think it's anything to worry about. Just strays from yesterday. Are you okay?" Ella asked, turning her gaze to his after regaining her composure having being startled by his sudden movement. She made sure the curtain was firmly against the wall and sat herself up even more, slipping her legs out from under the blanket. "how did you sleep?" she asked politely, turning her eyes from his to the wound and back, biting her lip nervously. "I think i'll have to go to some sort of..meeting today. Are you okay with staying here?" She asked tentatively, a feeling of dread washing over her as soon as the words left her mouth.
Sage grunted slightly and nodded in response from her comment, straightening slowly and letting out a slow breath once he leaned back against the headboard, closing his eyes for a moment to consolidate himself. Then he opened them and nodded, sighing slighlty. "Painkillers help," he admitted. He chuckled slightly when she asked how he'd slept. "Like the dead," he mused, fully aware he was pretty close to actually being dead. He found it sort of funny, in an ironic sort of way. He swallowed hard when she said she'd have to leave, suddenly very nervous about it. But he nodded anyway...she didn't exactly have much of a choice. After a moment of silence, he sort of looked out the window at the village. "You know, this makes me wonder how Lizzie's doing out there," he mused softly. "She could be dead or dying and I don't even know." Then he shook his head with a sigh again. "I shouldn't be thinking like that," he murmured. But she was his daughter...and he hadn't seen her in almost two years. He missed her horribly, but what was he suposed to do? He hadn't been allowed to bring her here, and he certainly hadn't wanted to. He didn't want to see him the way he was, or the things that happened. But it was awful being away from her. And he didn't know if he'd ever even see her again. He wasn't sure why he was thinking about her like this right now, but it hurt worse than the knife wound.
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Ella had to do her best not to let the tears actually fall as he spoke about Lizzie, and she reached for his hand, holding it for a couple of seconds. "I don't understand why you can't bring her here" she said, her voice almost a whisper, hardly heard over the rising wind outside. After a couple more seconds, she inhaled deeply, holding her breath. "I'm sure she's okay. Is she in the village? Or somewhere completely different?" she asked, looking back out the window through the crack in the curtains as if the child would just pop up in front of them. Oh how much easier it would be then. She stood up after she finished speaking, grabbing her brush to sort her hair out, glancing at Sage every now and then. "I wish I could help you find her" she mumbled, dreading the solemn mood coming from them both.
Sage sighed slightly when she wondered why he couldn't bring her here. "It just wasn't safe for her here before," he murmured. "And it wouldn't be right for her to see what happens in here," he pointed out. Then he shrugged. "I hope so," he mused. "She's with my dad....he's drunk more than he's sober, and he's only caring for her because I'm giving him all the money I make here," he groaned. Then he sighed. "If I could bring her here, it would be much easier, but I doubt you'd want a baby in here with us anyway," he pointed out with a sort of shrug. Besides, he couldn't really take care of her if he couldn't leave the bed. He couldn't even take care of himself. He did want her here, so badly, but he just doubted that would happen. He nodded at her comment, and turned his gaze to where her hand was still holding his. It was a bit odd to hold her hand, but it was definitely comforting, he thought. "Well...maybe someday I'll see her again," he murmured.
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