"You should talk more often though." She said, stopping as they came across a large sign. "We made it?" She had doubted Tyler, But apparently, he was-...good with directions. "We aren't sleeping outside this time." She said loudly, passing under the sign as they now walked on a dirt path that crawled towards what could only be the village. Remembering what happened last night, She defiantly did not want that to happen again, the cold- and sleeping on the ground, was defiantly NOT for her, while Tyler most likely didn't even sleep, he just stood there. She felt relieved when they finally stumbled up on the Villiages entrance.
Tyler cast a look at Sierra as he followed. "believe me... I don't talk for a reason." he said quietly, his voice almost gruff. Tyler smiled a little when he saw the sign, just happy he actually remembered... because his memory wasn't the best. Thankfully with directions, though, it was okay. "You don't have to sleep outside." Tyler snorted, shaking his head. "I can choose where I sleep, and you can too. There is absolutely nothing keeping you near me." He said plainly, following her into the village
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"So? You should talk more." She remarked, wondering what he meant by 'reason'. "Uh-huh...Well, there's something keeping you near me isn't there?" Sierra snickered, what he said was defiantly true... but the little sympathy she had would make her feel guilty if she did see him, not sleeping, even if he's gone without sleep. "Im exhausted...I don't think I ever had to walk that far." She grumbled as she searched for a tavern inn. "There." She pointed towards a large building, "Just like the last town." Sierra should have expected this, all of the towns around here seemed very similar.
*should* and *would* were 2 very different words in Tyler's vocabulary. Tyler resisted a snort, looking a little amused. "Only the small fact that most people don't want you... oh let me think... kidnapped?" Tyler said sarcastically, peering at the tavern. Tyler decided not to comment as Sierra complained more. -That tiny walk? That was a walk in the park for me, she must not get out much- Tyler thought with a small breath, smiling slyly when he saw another pole near the inn. Just like the last town, as Sierra said.
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Sierra rolled her eyes, "The only people that wouldn't want me kidnapped are...maybe the town near the kingdom, and my father wouldn't be worried, he'd be mad." She paused, What was I going to say? "Are you one of those people?" Sierra asked curiously, glancing back to look at Tyler for a small second then turning her attention to reach the Tavern...which wasn't far off, but of course, she bet Tyler would try to not sleep in the building like he did last time. Sierra started to think of ways to persuade him to go in, and there sure weren't many options...
Tyler listened to Sierra's first comment, actually snorting this time. "You just be grateful that someone on this earth wants you alive, and be grateul that not everyone wants you dead." He said quietly, his voice almost a little wistful. Yes, he was relating to himself. Tyler hopped from town to town and from kingdom to kingdom for a reason. Almost everybody that met him ended up hating him. It was a... bad feeling. "I might be." Tyler offered unhelpfully, leaning up against the post to peer at Sierra
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"You might be? So there's a chance your planning to kidnap me?" She gave him a scared look, which was obviously her being sarcastic..."I cannot be easily kidnapped." She finally said, watching as Tyler went up to the post that was beside the Tavern and leaned on it. "You have to go in! Technically, I have more power over you...so you have to do what I say. And I say you go into that Tavern and actually sleep in a bed like a normal person." Sierra really hoped it wouldn't take too long to persuade him...she was tired, and mostly just wanted to sleep. Edited at May 22, 2023 11:27 PM by Wistera
"You have fun guessing, and I think I would be amazing at kidnapping you... considering how I have already knocked you out AND carried you back to where I wanted you." Tyler offered a smile, his eyes glittering. "I do not have to, and you cannot physically make me go into the tavern." Tyler said quietly, though his voice held amusement. "I am one of the only people that do not care in the least if you have more *power* over me. The only thing I care about is that... you cannoy physically drag me into the tavern, so there is a small chance I move." Tyler said simply, glancing up at the sky
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Sierra gasped, "So there is a chance you'll kidnap me...and that doesn't count! I would defiantly escape." She huffed, turning away to look at the building and then back to Tyler. "Pleaseeeeeeee..." She cried, attempting to pull Tyler forward, which she wasn't very successful..." Come on....you don't want to stay out here-" she looked up at the sky. "It's probably going to rain tonight- and then it's going to be cold! and you could get sick, and if you get sick, you can't follow me around..." This was her second option as the first one wouldn't work, begging.
"There is always a chance... and you can't run away if you're unconscious." Tyler chuckled, shaking his head as Sierra tried to pull him forward. He was very stubborn... but Sierra really was getting to him. Yes, staying outside was not as comfortable. Yes, she would annoy him till he died if he didn't come in. Yes, if he got sick he wouldn't be able to *follow her around*. That was a lot of good reasons to just go in. "Fine. This 1 time." Tyler let out a slow breath of air, knowing this would probably be his doom
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