"Your as stubborn as a bull," she muttered and laid down beside him, leaving a space between them though. Wither snorted some and watched as some dirt blew away from her nostrils as she layed her head down. -He just doesn't want help since he has been on his own for most of his life- she thinks -which makes since honestly.- (Sorry couldn't think of much to write)
(Perfectly fine) - West snorted, putting his tail over his face. He just needed rest. "I am NOT." He muttered under his breath. He knew he was, really but he didn't want to admit it. After watching her for a few more seconds he finally sighed. "Fine. It's my front right leg. When I landed I landed on top of it, and now it ... really hurts." West flicked his tail, raising his head with his ears lowered
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She rolled her eyes as West denied that he was stubborn. She sat their quietly, waiting for him to say something. She knew that eventually he would say what hurt. She looked over at him and says, "See. It wasn't that hard to admit now was it?" She stands and walks around to the front of West and lowers her head. "Can I see it," she asks, "I want to see how bad it is."
West muttered something about how he was fine with admitting it it was something else... then he hauled himself to his feet so his leg was showing plainly and it was easier to see. At the knee it was swollen, and it was hit and inflamed
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She sniffed at his leg and nudged it very gently. She couldn't for sure tell if it was broken but the swelling was pretty bad. "Well I don't think it's broken," she says and raises her head back up, "but it is pretty swollen. It would be best for you to rest until the swelling goes down."
West grumbled, "I can't rest any more, I just got better!" He limped over to the water, taking a drink and frowning. He wanted to... run.
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-I swear he is just an oversized colt- she thinks and trots after him sighing. "If you don't rest then it will only get worst," she tells him, "and if it gets worst then who knows how long it would take to heal. It's best to rest now while it's not that bad."
"Okay, okay. I know your right, somewhere inside this thick head." West sighed limping over to the trees and laying down in the shade. He sighed, really not liking how stupid he acts sometimes.
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She smiled some as she watches him walk off to rest. Wither then gets a drink from the pond before going to graze nearby. She began to day dream as she grazed, since she wasn't doing anything else. Her tail swayed slightly as she grazed and her ears flicked as a few flies nipped at them.
West put his head down, his leg throbbing. He fell asleep quite quickly, a small frown on his face
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