Ryker urged Frynn a little faster around the pattern before sliding to a stop, patting her neck with a smile. "She's so calm now." He commented as he walked over to Abby, then dismounted. "Which means I need another problem horse." He joked with a grin, but there was a sort of musing behind it. (Okay, I got it- Ryker rescues problem horses, trains them up, and sells them! BOOM. BEST IDEA EVER)
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(My Dad was actually trying to get me do that. I want to but I don't think I have the experience to be able to take on that kind of responsibility) - "We have space for more" she grinned then watched Shadow flick his ears forward and gently sniff Pyper
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(Ooo that sounds awesome. But yeah, it would be a LOT of work lol) - "Ha! You said it, not me. I'm now officially looking for another horse." Ryker chuckled, patting Frynn, who had her ears perked and was staring at Pyper like the little girl was an alien.
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Shadow shied away when Pyper giggled and he took off down the fence line. Pyper started crying before turning to Frynn. Abby watched Shadow before glancing at Frynn to make sure she hadn't spooked.
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Frynn lifted her head quickly as Shadow ran away, and she lowered it again to daintily sniff this alien thing, blowing out a soft, warm snort. Ryker smiled as he watched the horse, but he kept a grip on the reins to get Frynn away if neccesary.
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(Ok now what?) - Abby smiled and gently rubbed Frynns head. "You're a good girl Frynn" she said as Pyper reached out. "Be gentle" she instructed. Pyper put her head on Frynns head and patted her lightly a few times
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(Now ... we need to think up some good drama) - Frynn snorted again and lifted her lip slightly, making a face as Pyper scratched her. She then walked away to graze, so Ryker had to pull her head up and go into the barn.
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(Yes we do. Master planner. What do you have in mind?) - Abby hiked Pyper higher up her hip and walked with Frynn and Ryker to the barn.
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(Uhmm... I dunno. Let me think) - Ryker started untacking the mare.
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(Short and sweet) - Abby put Pyper down and let her toddle around in the tack room. She didn't want her near Fromm because she still wasn't completely sure about how she would react
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