"It's fine now. Everyone will die someday." He smiled faintly before chuckled at Axl, scratching the dog's head. "I'm glad we got him." He commented, again repeating things he had said before, but he didn't care. It was true.
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"I am too" she laid her head on Rykers shoulder. "I might just go to sleep right here..." she closed her eyes, her breathing slowing as she relaxed.
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Ryker let his head flop over slightly to rest on hers. "You do that. You have to get up soon to feed the baby anyway, so best get some sleep while you can." He answered quietly, his gaze on the window as he stared at the moon.
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"Ok... I will..." she was quickly drifting off. Abby's breathing became slow and deep as she fell asleep on his shoulder. Axl didn't move an inch until about fourth five minutes later, when Pyper started crying. Abby wrenched her eyes opened and looked around the dark room. "Ok. Baby feeding time" she was a little bit refreshed as she pulled herself to her feet and walked to Pyper's room. She pulled her from her crib, sitting down in a rocking chair and letting her nurse. She hummed "sweet nightingale " as she fed Pyper. After a few minutes, she burped her then rocked her to sleep, laying her in her crib and creeping back out of the room. "I'm crashing and there's no stopping me" she murmured before laying down over Rykers lap and drifting immediately
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Ryker smiled a little as Abby immediately dropped off. He closed his eyes but surprisingly didn't fall asleep. Until Abby got up and came back, because at that point he couldn't keep his drowsiness away. When she laid back down he closed his eyes, falling asleep as well.
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Abby awoke multiple times during the night, but at one point she was too tired and didn't wake up. Pyper was crying at two in the morning because she was hungry, but Abby didn't budge
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Ryker woke up and fell back asleep at the same times as Abby, but when morning came he felt bad because he had to wake her up now. "Aaaabby. How was your first night as a parent?" He asked with a slight smile, gently nudging her.
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Abby groaned. "Tiring..." she said up and looked around. "What time is it? Do I need to feed Pyper?"
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Ryker looked sympathetic. "It's 9 am. You should- she's hungry again." He answered with a faint smile, gently kissing her on the head.
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Abby slowly pulled herself to her feet. "Have I been waking you up?" She looked at Ryker. "If I have then I'm sorry. I was trying to be quiet" she went into Pyper's room and brought her out, sitting on the couch beside Ryker while she nursed.
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