
Trixie brushed herself off lightly when he stood, brushing a bit off of his front before they started walking. She thought for a moment at the question, watching him intently for a moment or two. "If you come with me, then yes." She shrugged, moving her gaze to look at the beach ahead.

Matt rasied his eyebrows nodding lightly. "If you want me to, i will" he said, stepping over the wall and onto the path towards the square. Due to how late it was, the festival had indeed died down, with just the odd drunk person wandering around, or others dispersing from the stage in some high looking state. Matt and Trixie made their way through and to the bottom of the hill, eventually getting to hers. "Go ahead" he smiled, gestruing towards the path to the door.

"I do want you to. But only if you want to." Trixie added hesitantly, pausing after she stepped over the wall to recover her shoes. She looked around at the somewhat deserted square, every person on some level of impairment. She walked with him quietly back to the house, glancing at his hand tentatively. She wanted to hold it, but she didn't want to seem needy or clingy- before she could ponder it too long, they got to her house. "Oh- alright." She nodded, offering him a small smile and heading inside, unlocking the door quickly.

Matt smiled, following Trixie after she had gone through the door. He waited until it was shut to move again, wrapping his arms around her without talking. It had been the first night since they actually stopped talking that he had even had company- well, kind of- and he was grateful for it, just grateful to have her. He gave a very light kiss on the top of her head, letting her go a little so she could at least speak.

Trixie blinked when he suddenly wrapped his arms around her, mirroring him and relaxing into his body eagerly. She pressed her head gently into his light kiss, smiling up at him when he released her slightly. "Do you want anything? Something to eat, drink, a shower?" She asked softly, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair.

Matt reciprocated the kiss lighty, cuppig her face for the couple of seconds before pulling it away, smiling. He shook his head, leaning against the wall, looking down at Trixie with a somewhat genuine smile. "I'll be alright. I might take a shower though, if thats okay?" he asked, reaching and getly resting both hands on her waist, standing up a little straighter from the wall so he could do so.

Trixie smiled gently into the kiss, pressing into him slightly and offering him a smile when he pulled away. She made her way closer to him when he reached for her waist, trying to make it easier for him if she could. "Yeah, of course. I'll change and get ready for bed while you do that." She nodded, pressing another kiss to his cheek in a giddy sort of way.

"Alright" Matt smiled, looking at her in a little confusion in her sudden giddy state. He leant in for the kiss to the cheek briefly, before making his way upstairs, and into the bathroom. For most of the shower he was just stood there, staring at nothing, and of course thinking about Trixie. Not in a strange way, but in a more of an..admirable way. Happy, surprised and still slightly guilty feelings spreading through him as he thought.

Trixie followed him lightly and settled in her bedroom, changing out of her dress and heels and into shorts and one of his old hoodies- which she had kept. After, she ran a brush through her hair and braided it, wiping off her makeup and brushing her teeth afterward. Once she was done, she flopped on her bed, curling up and waiting for him to come back quietly.

Matt made his way out the shower after some time, not bothering to re pull his shirt back on after having had water over him for a good fifteen minutes. He slung it over the back of a chair in Trixies room and made his way over to her, smiling at the sight of his hoodie. "Comfy?" he asked, smiling as he slid gently into bed next to her. He rested a hand on her waist as he did so, leaning his head back on the pillow.