
Dakota felt tears of happiness roll down her face and the nurse walked in. "Well, Mrs. Montgomery, you can head home tomorrow morning."
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Elijah was overjoyed. "Thank you" he tells the doctor gratefully. He reaches up to wipe her tears away

Dakota smiled at Elijah, the smile genuine
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Elijah hugs her, "I love you"

After this we need DrAmA! Any ideas?) "I love you too" She said, her voice soft but stronger than yesterday.
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(What if Elijah surprises her with a vacation? The whole family just get a break from life lol)
Elijah smiles but then stops when Elijah waddles over and points at him. "oh ya! I forgot. I told Ethan that I would give the artwork he drew to you" he says searching for it in his bag before pulling it out and handing it to Dakota. It was a flower of sorts, though very messy and hard to tell given a toddle drew it (lol)

Sure!) "Wow, they're so pretty, baby, thank you so much." She said, smiling at their son
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Elijah chuckles, "you should have seen him after he got crayon all over his face and it was a pain to wash off" he says. "Anyways, I have a surprise for you once you're discharged" he says

"Oh, god, what is it now?" She teased, clearly herself again
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