Trix blinked at his glancing around, and figured it had something to do with his story, so she brushed it off. She listened to him intently, unable to pry her eyes from him as he spoke. He seemed much more troubled about his death than most she had met; but she knew what it felt like to have everyone turn their back on you. When he looked up, she held his gaze and gave him a soft smile. "Well- I suppose it was epic. I- I'm sorry. About how it turned out. They took everything from you, didn't they?" She asked gently, her golden colored eyes twinkling with a strange look. Sympathy.
He watched her, moving past that erie feeling mostly. "Yes they did. As much as I'd have liked to survive, at least I didn't have to suffer through cleaning up the mess they made of my life. This has been much cleaner and safe I guess. But nothing compares to being human, yeah?" He sheugged it off. "How about you?"
Trix nodded. "I guess thats a perk. I do... I do miss being human sometimes, yeah." She added quietly, huffing. "Mine is kind of dumb." She gave him a sheepish grin, fiddling with her fingers. "I was in vet school, and the school partnered with a local equestrian center since I was studying to be an equine vet- y'know, kind of important to have horses nearby. Anyway, it was a colder night so the water troughs had heaters in them to keep it from freezing. Some dumbass stacked hay on top of one of those heaters while it was on, and the whole place went up in flames." She shrugged. "I was studying with the people who owned the barn, I was friends with their son and he was in school with me. I look out the window from my wonderfully boring textbook to see the barn turning into a matchstick. Being the dumbass I am, I ran in and we ended up getting all the horses out. Then, I thought I heard some sort of meow- and I went back in to look for a cat, but the fire was too strong at that point." She shrugged. "Plot twist, I was delusional and there was no cat. Then I died, because, y'know, fire bad and all." She finished, giving jazz hands. "So, yeah. I died because of an imaginary cat." She nodded.
His curiosity was piqued as she called it dumb, that usually meant it wasn't dumb at all. He looked as if he was awed, maybe proud? It was very vague of an expression but it definitely brightened his face a little. "Hero." He punched her arm lightly as she finished the story, a smile on his face. "Makes one wonder how you get into hell, saving animals and all some would call you as saint. Probably do. That or stupid." He snickered, putting s hand on her shoulder. "Thats not dumb, you went back in even for one cat. I like that story."
Trix grinned at him, puzzled at his vague expression. In a good way. She rolled her eyes at the hero comment, shaking her head and flicking his hand gently. "I'm no hero. I opened some stall doors and my hearing was bad." She huffed, shrugging off the other side of his explanation. "I did... some stupid shit, in my life. It wasn't all saving horsies and imagining kitty-cats." She shrugged, leaning into his hand with a smile. "Im glad you enjoy the story of my death." She giggled, glancing at him with a slight flush. She flicked her ponytail over her shoulder and looked suddenly the other way, the tattoo visible for a few moments. It read, in jagged lettering, "Bite Me". It wasn't her proudest moment but she had kept it, for some reason. To remind herself not to make the same mistake twice, really.
"Don't we all?" Everyone did stupid shit at some point or another. Sometimes its just different stupid shīt. He tilted his head at her. "Not every day you meet someone who's willing to run into a barn fire for some horses and a cat." He smiled sweetly, looking down at her. And then at the tattoo. Bite Me- he smirked slightly- wiping it off his face as she turned back.
"Yeah, but mine was... it was extreme stupid shit." Trixie shrugged and glanced at him in time to see the sweet smile that made her want to run away because of butterflies. She chuckled at his answer. "Yeah, I guess so." As she turned her head back to look at him, his reaction wasn't quite fast enough. She tilted her head slightly as him with a smile. "What?" She asked, puzzled. Sometimes she forgot it existed- only sometimes.
"I'm not surprised, you had to end up in hell doing something." He said dismissively, like he didn't care anymore. She was still doing bad things in hell but he was forgiving. Sometimes a little too forgiving but right now it was just right. He examined her curious and confused expression. "Uhh, I was just admiring the tattoo on your neck." He looked away, rubbing his own neck in mild embarrassment.
Trixie raised her eyebrows at his response, but she said nothing on it. It took her a moment to realize what she meant, and she let out a light laugh as he turned away. "Oh? Well, most don't admire it. They either judge from afar or ask if they can." She said sarcastically. "It's a shame you're too old to have tattoos. I imagine you'd be quite the collector." She teased.
He smiled slightly. "I would ask but really I think the tattoo spells it out for me. Bite Me is quite explanatory." He chuckled softly, looking to her teasing expression. "You would be correct. I've already decided my back would be the canvas." He grinned. "Maybe a sparse sleeve on my right arm. I've yet to decide a lot of them."