The girl frowned a little bit at him before shrugging. "It's because all the best people die first. That's why we're still here," she murmured quietly to him. She shrugged when he asked if she'd had friends, then nodded a little bit. "I had a few. I wasn't very close with any of them though... I was never very good at very much," she told him with a small chuckle.
He tipped his head. "I can tell you one thing you are absolutely amazing at, if you ask." He smiled comfortingly.
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Regan eyed the man after a few moments and wrinkled her nose. She didn't have a clue what she could possibly be amazing at... she really wasn't good at much. It wasn't a ploy for attention, but more like she genuinely didn't believe she was good at anything - well, she could annoy people until they're at their wits end, and she could make a joke out of anything, but those weren't really skills, were they? She was curious though. "Go on then. Tell me one thing I'm absolutely amazing at," she mused lightly.
Tyler grinned. "You are absolutely amazing at making people go deaf." He chuckled, getting ready to duck if she decided to throw something at him. It was true, she jabbered on and on and on and on. Tyler had never heard someone talk so much in his lifetime.
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The girl rolled her eyes at him and rested her head on her knees. "Thanks," she huffed sarcastically. She knew she talked a lot... and she knew it was annoying. She'd have to remember to stay quiet a little bit more... he certainly didn't need her talking his ears off. "Sorry," she eventually whispered as she closed her eyes. "If you ever need me to shut up, just tell me," she told him quietly.
Tyler chuckled. "Don't Ben sorry, at least you actually talk. Unlike me over here who would much rather sleep, eat, sleep, eat, sleep, eat." He teased, leaning against the tree and closing his eyes happily
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Regan hummed quietly to the boy before pouting. "You can actually do things! I've known you for less than a week and I can already tell you how many things you're good at," she huffed. "I'll try and be quiet when you're trying to sleep, though," she hummed after a few moments.
Tyler huffed. "It doesn't help to be good at things when they are things you don't ever need..." he sighed, his voice trailing off. He closed his eyes and out his hat over his head, falling asleep a minute later
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Regan rolled her eyes at his comment. She wasn't just talking about the singing... he could hunt, and he was good with traps and weapons... they were certainly good for the time they were in now. She watched him drift off to sleep, a small smile on his face... he really wasn't that bad. He was actually quite nice... she supposed. She eventually got to sleep herself after a little while.
When Tyler woke up he was slouched against the tree in such a way it was hard to breath, his hat was way down on his chest, and his hair was full of bark. He got up with a groan, straightening his back with a very.. very loud :CRACK: Tyler winced at the loud noise, stretching his arms high Obote his head and licking pieces of bark out of his hair
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