Natalie woke up with no intention of going to work. She had a lot to drink after he dropped her off. She wasn't feeling ready to work again for a bit. She sat and waited for a few hours after she woke up and the sun was still rising. Natalie should probably call in but she didn't feel like picking up the phone. "Lord beer me strength" she whispered to herself and stood up, her iron deficiency and dehydration made her flop back down on the bed. She was dizzy and sick. She didn't know what to do with herself.
Natalie woke up with no intention of going to work. She had a lot to drink after he dropped her off. She wasn't feeling ready to work again for a bit. She sat and waited for a few hours after she woke up and the sun was still rising. Natalie should probably call in but she didn't feel like picking up the phone. "Lord beer me strength" she whispered to herself and stood up, her iron deficiency and dehydration made her flop back down on the bed. She was dizzy and sick. She didn't know what to do with herself.
Elijah nods to the guy then looks down at the papers he had handed her about what they wanted charge from insulting a woman in his father house Elijah laughs Loud then read how much 2,000,000,000 Elijah said " that's half of what I got in the bank account "
Elijah sighed and said " fuck how do I know all it says on paper is regards Elijah Conner Ashley Hamilton gets paid 2 million dollars if you want answer contact her lawyer "