
"I.....I can't...." She said, fearing of falling to the darkness that threatened to close her eyes forever. She took a shaky breath, a panic attack beginning.
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Elijah steps out for a second, taking Ethan from his mom's arms, thanking her for bringing him. He brings him over. He places Ethan on her chest. Ethan smiles up to her, reaching his arms out. "Ma!" He calls. A few seconds later " Ma! Ma!" He giggles

(Don't mind my spelling lol) Dakota's eyes fluttered open and her monitors began to settle into a steady, calm rythem
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Elijah smiles, "We are both here for you, Love" he says kissing her head

Dakota somehow found the strength to move her arms, placing them limply on her son
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Elijah stays next to the bed watching them

Dakota's eyes were too heavy to keep open, but she stayed concious. Barely. "Eli...." She breathed, one hand slightly moving his way
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Elijah comes close, holding her hand. "yes darling?"

"I love you....." She breathed, exhausted from even this little interaction
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Elijah kisses her head, "I love you too"