
When the sun rose Ryker did not. He stayed asleep for quite a while before allowing himself to revive. He yawned a little and shifted, opening his eyes slightly
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Abby pulled away slightly so she could see Rykers face. "Morning Sunshine" she said, poking his nose softly. "How'd you sleep?"
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Ryker blinked sleepily and only sort of awoke at the sound of Abby's voice. "Sunshine. That's a new one." He mumbled. "I always sleep like a rock, you should know that." He joked lightly with a small smile. "How did you sleep?"
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"I slept well, just because we're home, but those Vegas mattresses were amazing" Abby poked his nose again. She heard a knock on the door. "Someone's here" she said as she pulled herself from the warm spot on the bed. "I'm going to go see who it is" she pulled a blanket over her shoulders and opened the door. The person on the other side freaked Abby out to the point that she almost couldn't stand. She managed to find her shaky voice "Jessica..? What are you doing here?" The woman was skin and bones, the only weight on her stomach was the baby that was obviously due any time. "He's abusive. I should've listened to you Abigail. I'm stupid. I had to leave. I brought the kids too. I'm so sorry Abby, but I need a place to stay. My parents won't take me in so I have no where else..." two small children peeked around their mothers legs. There was a baby probably only a few months old laying in Jessica's arms. "Umm... gimme... gimme a second" she slowly closed the door. "Ry- Ryker" she was shaking, so she leaned against the wall for support.
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Ryker laughed a little. "They we're AMAZING. Definitely memory foam. Super comfortable. We need a new mattress." He agreed, then tilted his head slightly. "Nooo. Who would be here this early in the morning?" He sighed and stared at the ceiling for a moment before freezing as he heard the voice. Heeee knew that voice. *Aww, he's cute. You should go make a move*. He had no idea how he still remembered that, but at least he knew who it was. Jessica. With the realization he scrambled out of bed, threw a shirt on, and raced out, because Jessica meant Gavin and even if Gavin wasn't here his memory would be. Ry slid to a stop beside Abby. "Are you okay? What do you want me to do?" He asked quietly, though the look of concern on his face ran deep.
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"I... I don't know... but we have to help her..." she looked at Ryker. "I have to" she opened the door and let the shorter woman in. "There's an extra room. I'll show you" she led Jessica and her three children into her old room. "Do you need anything?" She glanced down at the two little girls. "Thank you Abby. I don't think I need anything else.. except maybe some food and a drink of water. " she leaned in and hugged Abby, keeping it loose so she didn't crush the tiny child in her arms. "I'm so sorry" Jessica said, wiping a stray tear off of her cheek. "It's ok. You're save now" Abby backed out of the room to give the family some space to get their stuff together. She looked at Ryker. "What if Gavin comes looking for them? They obviously ran away"
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Ryker ran a hand through his disheveled hair and nodded, stepping back as Abby took charge and led Jessica around. Poor kids. His dark blue eyes filled with sorrow at the horror they must be going through. When Abby came over to him he let his shoulders sag slightly. "I promise I won't let him anywhere near you or those kids." He sounded fiercely protective, like the combination of Gavin being a horrible person, Abby being pregnant, and new kids at the house made him want to just run out there and find Gavin first. His jaw tensed slightly. "Don't you dare start worrying. If he steps foot on this property he will wish he doggone hadn't." He glanced out the window before looking back at Abby with a steady determination.
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Abby reached out and hugged him. "I am blessed beyond belief that I have you" she took a deep breath then looked up at Ryker. "She said she was sorry for not listening to me. I'm not sure I can believe her yet. I'm scared Ryker. For her. What has she been through? I can't even start to think that anything could happen to she but she's skin and bones!" She looked down.
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Ryker wrapped his arms around her with a sigh. "I think I'm way more blessed to have you." He smiled faintly before it faded as she spoke. "I know. But the best we can do is help her and not let Gavin get to her again, okay?" He said quietly, although he was worrying a little. Gavin was too much of a wimp to come after him physically, too much, but if he did... Ry was stuck with a permanent limp and that never helped in doing anything. If it came down to it he was have the downside. Stupid bullet. Good thing Adelle was stuck in prison for attempted murder. Ryker cleared his mind of those thoughts.
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"Ok..." she heard a tiny patter of feet "are you nice?" A child's voice made Abby spin around. "Yes I'm ni-" "honey. Don't bother her. I'm sorry" Jessica came out of the room and gently pulled the child to her hip. "This is Lilly. She's five. This is Rose" she motioned to a younger girl "she's three and a half. And the baby is Mark. He's five months old" Jessica sighed and walked the two older children into the room. Abby's eyes slowly filled with tears as she leaned back against Rykers chest.
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