
Dakota's mind immedietly began spinning with thoughts and worry for their son. Ethan. Where? Who? I need him. Here. She thought, her monitors starting to gain momentum along with her heartbeat at the stress
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Elijah held her hand, "shh, it's okay. Calm down, please" he says kissing her head again.

Dakota could hear the masked pleading in his voice. It confused her as to why he seemed so upset and she just wanted to hug him and tell him she was alright. But she couldn't. Her body wouldn't let her and she didn't know if she'd be lying to him by saying that. She felt her heartbeat steady and a concerned nurse walked into the room. ~ "Sir, we got a warning in our system that her monitors were all over the place. Was something wrong?" The nurse asked, her brows pinched
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Elijah shook his head, "I don't believe so"

The nurse nodded and left. ~ Dakota was able to open her eyes again, a bit easier this time. "Eli" She breathed
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Elijah kissed her head, "I'm here love" he says

"I don't know.....what happened...." She whispered, her breaths short and uneven
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Elijah strokes her hand. "I'm so glad you're going to be okay" he says kissing her gently. "Do you need anything?"

Dakota faintly shook her head. "No" She breathed
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Elijah nods, "I love you" he says, kissing her head again